
3 month old vomiting?

by Guest61556  |  earlier

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My daughter is 3 months old and was very irritable this evening and vomited a few times over the past 2 hours. I believe it was a formula we used today that we don't normally use. I held her for 45 min and she fell asleep. I am worried the vomiting may make her dehydrated as she sleeps because she usually goes for 10 hours overnight without a feed. Should I wake her to giver her water?




  1. is it vomit or reflux?

    maybe she is feeding too much and letting out the excess.

    I would give her water if it had happened to me because i get paranoid. But if she is having wet nappies (diapers) she shouldn't be dehydrated.

    Just make sure she has her regular wet nappies..


  2. yes. 10 hours a stretch is too long for a 3 month old to go without eating/drinking any time, for me.  

  3. prob need to get back on the old baby formula then  

  4. yes but i wouldnt give water bc they can choke if your not careful i also have a 3 month old and i give him juice to rinse out his mouth. but i would give the doc a call the new formula shouldnt show the affects til a few days. i have had to change my preemies formula like 3 times and its very very hard on there little tummies. but you may want to call out to the hospital and ask them and tell them shes vomiting but the new formula shouldnt be doing this to her this soon. could be something else. take her temperture and i would wake her up every 2 hrs to be sure she is okay and make sure her diapers are wet. but def should call hospital and ask to speak with someone about your concern and they will know better than any of us! goodluck hope your babygirl is feeling better soon!  

  5. Changing baby formula can upset a baby tummy quite bad, and even if u don't make it up to the precise amount it can cause stomach upsets.  My advice would be to take your baby to the GP or MH&C Nurse for peace of mind. It may be nothing but medical advice is good to have.

    As for the water some would say not to give as water is already present in the formula mixture. However as a mother of two i began giving water as young as 4 months- reasoning is that i believe it doesn't hurt, pure, natural. i give extra especially when they were sick and in summer u can usually tell dehydration in bubs- (swollen fontanelle's, dry skin stay up when pinch,dry nappy etc).. but this is just my opinion and experience.

  6. I would maybe switch her back to the formula she had before, its possible she is allergic to this one. you shouldnt give babies that young just strait water... i would go get the original formula and give that to her to make sure she isnt getting dehydrated.... make sure she has saliva in her mouth and is having wet diapers... i would call the doctor in the morning to see what they suggest. Good luck and I hope your little one feels better.
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