
3 months ago I had a driveway made to park my car in but people still park there outside my house...?

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Even when neighbours are aware that there is a driveway there, they still park their cars there! This means that I'm unable to get into my driveway because it is obstructed by someones car.

To find a parking space on my road is quite rare - this is why I had the driveway made.

I'm sick of knocking on people's doors and asking them to move their cars and not park there anymore but they just don't listen!

I know that if i put up any signs telling them not to park, they will just ignore them.

What can I do??




  1. you could label your parking spot, w/ your name on it, like the special spots, reserved for people... that way, they know whose spot it is, and why it was put there in the first place... it sounds like it's a dog eat dog thing, having to deal w/ fighting for parking spots.that spot is legally yours, and there was a reason you had it made, to use it.... and if people block your way to use it, they are in the wrong. i wouldn't like knocking on peoples doors all the time, rotten eggs work just as well :P or you could blow out their tires... or key their cars... no, no no... i swear i was just joking on all of that... but it sure would feel good to get back at all those people who do you wrong, and seem not to be bothered about their actions.

  2. go to your local council and ask to have a no parking : entry sign painted on the road outside (this will cost you) however your neighbours have to abide by the law because now you can legally have them clamped if they are parking over the sign. They'll have no choice but to park elsewhere.  

  3. if you didn't have the pavement curb dropped with the knowledge and permission of your local council then in legal terms your driveway does not exist and if your car crosses over the pavement you are committing an offence also if some one else parks across the entrance there is nothing you can do about it.

    If you have a legally drop curb edge then it is illegal to block the entrance and you can ask the authorities for help to solve the problem.

  4. Lori S is right, if you have had planning permission for your driveway and it has been built properly, i.e there is no kerb on the footpath and there is a ramp going up to your drive then you are well within your rights to put signs up saying that cars who obstruct your drive will be towed, and get them towed if they do!

  5. In the UK, a driveway is not considered official if the local authority has not been asked to install dropped kerbs at the entrance.

    Without dropped kerbs you have no rights of access.

    However, with dropped kerbs it is an offence to park there and offenders can be reported/prosecuted.

  6. Did you get planning permission for your drive way if so you have right on your side if not check with your police as these people are effectively blocking your right of entry. There are so many ignorant people around these days. Everyone only looks after themselves.  

  7. I'm with Lori.  Put up the signs.  You might try to find out if you have to wait so many days after the signs go up before you can have them towed.  You pay the taxes, you own the property, you have them towed.

  8. As your driveway is legitimate, you can call the police as anything parking across your access way is causing an obstruction.

    Obviously, the first course of action should be asking offenders or leaving a note on their cars.

    I had this problem years ago, and it's a sad state of affairs to have to call the police, but some people will just not learn.

  9. If your driveway is legal and on your property-post no parking signs and have them towed when they block you in. I promise you, the problem will go away quickly!

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