
3 months pregnant boyfriend cheated?

by Guest64660  |  earlier

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im 3months pregnant with his child im 20 hes 25 i found out he cheated 3 days ago i talked to him the next day and everything was fine we were working things out but no all of a sudden i havnt heard from him in 2 days now should i wait for him 2 call me or should i just call him and ask what the story is?




  1. You would be better off going thru this pregnancy alone. He is a loser, and not yet ready to make commitments and accept responsibility. Yes he will cheat again, save yourself some unhappiness, and stress. End it now. Do not hang on, waiting for him. You deserve a man in your life that you won't second guess everyday, somebody that treats you nice.

  2. Unfortunetly looks like you've got yourself hooked up with a BAD egg....his focus and attention should be on you and this new baby he's bringing into the world....seems like it's not to me, can you imagine 4 years from now, after you've forgiven him for cheating on you 20 times, and still having to live with someone that is not commited to you....what will your baby think?????  I dont know girl...I wouldn't trust it......doesn't sound good!   Your baby is though!!!! concrats!!!!!!

  3. Sounds like he maybe got scared and is not sure what he wants.  You dont deserve that.  You need someone who is gonna be there for you, especially if you are raising a child together, so how re you gonna be able to depend on him after this?   I would just get out and concentrate on my child and taking care of myself for this pregnancy.  You guys are not married, so I would just leave.

  4. Your boyfriend isn't worth it, he isn't taking you and the baby seriously, you cant jsut let him do that. if they do it once they will do it again.

    good luck

  5. leave him he aint worth, even tho your child isnt here yet you still havce to put the baby first

  6. What he did to you is terrible. Don't call him, wait for him to call. If he doesn't want anything to do with the baby, thats his problem. I'm not saying you shouldn't find out the story. Once he has called you ask loads of questions about what happend and get him to explain himself.

    Good luck

    Annah-Leigh xx

  7. Im sorry he is putting you through this.

    I personally think if someone cheats on you then they dont have any respect for you and certainly do NOT love you.

    Stress is bad for you and your baby, you need a stress free life now hun, he sounds like a waste of space.

    Dont contact him, if he wants to be with you and really cares then he will come begging.

  8. i am not going to tell you to leave him but i am going to tell you that there are so many men out there that are so much better. you have to think about your child. if you think that this is going to keep happening then maybe it would be the best if you left him because when the child is here it is going to have to hear all of the fighting and yelling that comes along with a couple that is not faithful. it is not healthy for you or your child to get stressed out right now or even later on. just try to work things out and see how things go. and i would wait on him to call you because if it takes him too long then you really know that he not going to be there for you. i hope that i have helped you and i hope that things get better your way. good luck sweety!

  9. Hes not worth the stress which can greatly affect a fetus. Single mothers are so common now and there is so much help available. You may find a faithful man who is will ing to take on that responsiblitiy. Good luck sweetie and remember that you are better than that and dont deserve to be treated that way.

  10. Dump his @ss and hit him up for child support. He did you wrong, and doesn't deserve another chance. You're carrying his child, and he goes out and screws someone else. Why would you even want to try to work things out?

  11. wow...what a jerk. I dont think you should call him, and i dont think you should answer his call if he calls you. Once a cheater, alwaysa  cheater. You are carrying his son, and he's out doing another girl!? you dont want to be with someone who treats you like taht, and you dont want your baby growing up thinking that its ok to act like that.

  12. Don't waste time calling him.  Call an attorney about getting child support.

  13. Men are seriously such idiots.

    My guy cheated on me too, and told me when I was pregg. We separated at the time, and yet he wanted to do everything he could to make it up to me, and once my daughter was born we got close again because I saw how he had changed, and was being such a good father.

    Its a hard situation to be in, I know that. You should definitely call him and ask him what the h**l is up!! It depends on what kind of guy he is, if he wants to stick around for you and the baby but is just really immature, then maybe have a break and do as I did, and wait around to see if he really changes, otherwise you have done everything you can, and he is not worth your time!!

    I hope your feeling ok!!

  14. Leave him while you can.  Hopefully you have a support system like close family and friends to help you get through this, because he certainly sounds useless.  If he does it once, he can easily do it again.  Remember that.

  15. Is this how you want the rest of your life to be? You are better then this. I went through something similar (he cheated on me with drugs). It left me with a sense of mistrust and disrespect for him. I tried and tried and by the time our baby was ten months old I decided it wasn't worth it anymore. Chances are you will never trust him again, and does he really deserve your trust anyways? You can do this with the help of your family and friends. You don't need him. ( but don't let him off the hook to easy, he still needs to help you pay for this baby)

  16. 2 days and you're the mother of his unborn child?! eck! i wouldn't trust him, honey.....if he cheated once he'll do it again.

  17. What do you want to know? If you continu with him or braike  up?Look if he 's sorry rely sorry and give hin a chance

  18. Your situation sucks but seriously, both sides cheat, women and men. Just because he's a d-bag, doesnt mean all guys are.Try to call him again, ask him what's going on and if he wants to be with you, you're going to have to be upfront and honest, Get it all off your chest. IF he says he doesnt want to be with you, then let it go. Do what you need to do for you and your baby, make sure he has to help financially through child support. and next time be more careful who you choose. Not being ugly, just saying. I made the wrong choice with a woman and she wind up leaving us without warning when my son was 3. Havent seen her since, he's 11 now. Good luck

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