
3) physics question...?

by  |  earlier

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a ball is originally at rest

a) find its acceleration

b) find the distance it has fallen in 3 sec.

c) its speed to reach as a distance of 25 m.

d) the time it takes to fall 30 m.




  1. From your question I assume someone has dropped the ball.

    a) the acceleration is -9.81m/s/s due to gravity.

    b) after 3 seconds it must be traveling at 29.43m/s so using

    Vf^2- Vi^2 = 2ad we get a distance of 44.145m

    c) using the same formula we can calculate its speed after it has fallen 25m to be 22.15m/s

    d) use the formulae Vf^2 - Vi^2 = 2ad and Vf = Vi +at to find the time after 30m which is 2.47s.

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