
3 positive test and now my period?

by  |  earlier

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Why? I woke up this morning 18dpo and have horrible cramps and a whole lot of period. Is there any other reason for positive test?




  1. Go to the doctor because you maybe having a miscarriage.

    Go to to read about positives then starting your period.

    If you are on any meds that contain HCG then that would give you a flase negative

  2. it's probably a miscarriage. im so sorry. go to your doctor to be sure though.  

  3. I had my normal period at 4 weeks .. but now at 8 nothing.

    But if there was alot of blood you should go to the doctors right away. Good luck

  4. Was there alot of blood? It's possible you took the tests wrong, but it's also possible that you're having a miscarriage. Go to a hospital and have them check it out to be sure!  

  5. It sounds just like my miscarriage.  My heart goes out to you.  Call your doctor, but they couldn't do anything for me except hold my hand.

  6. this happened to me 2 months ago and i know exactly how you feel,.. WHY ME??? its not fair. unfortunately there is not a lot that you can do. it helped me to think of it as a "late period" rather than a misscarriage. so just count today as day 1 and hope that next month you get your BFP. AF is due in 6 days and i got a faint positive last night but im not beleiving it until it is darker or AF doesnt turn up.

    good luck for next month. Baby dust

  7. Go to the hospital! I doubt the three tests were wrong - you need to be seen by a doc asap!

  8. You may be having a miscarriage.  Call your OBGYN.

  9. cramping and or back ache?

    is the discharge watery at all?

    you did not say how far along you are. how are you emotionally?

    if its very early in the pregnacy under 10 weeks

    they probably wont do anything but let nature take its course

    though an ultra sound would give you an answer quickly

    it could just be some break through bleeding

    call your dr first if you have not already

    good luck god bless

  10. need to see a doctor immediatly, if your were pregnant you shouldnt be getting your period.

  11. You can go to the hospital, there is not much they will be able to do since it is so early.  They can make you more comfortable.   If it is a miscarriage, I am so sorry.  I have had two myself.  

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