
3 positives. should i believe it?

by Guest57857  |  earlier

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i have a 28 - 31 dy cycle, so my period should be here maximum tomorrow (Wednesday)

i tested last Thursday which was 12 dpo and Friday which was 13 dpo. i got a positive line within the 5/6 mins. the test say to wait 5 mins to confirm result. i posted here back then, and i got many saying to be careful because it could be an evaporation line.

then i tested again on Sunday, was 14 dpo. result was a positive pink line within 3 mins.

now it's tuesday, a/f still not here and i HOPE won't for next 10 months!

i told my family, but at times i'm so frightened that i do get my period.

i was really sick yesterday, and i was glad because i felt pregnant, but today my stomach is ok, so i'm having doubts again.

i know this is crazy...many will say congratulations, but i'm so pessimistic. i'm going to the doctor today, so maybe if it's confirmed i'd start to believe it. is it possible to get 3 evaporation lines out of 3?

this is my 2nd pregnancy. have a 5 yr old boy, and i felt like this even in my first pregnancy. i wouldn't believe it until i started to throw up.

will someone please shake me till me teeth start to rattle...because i'm here worried sick and going to the toilet every other minute to check on a/f.

help please! i need some encouragment!




  1. every pregnancies different..3 positives and no period yet... yea id say congratulations.. dont worry if its not he same..THERE ALL DIFFERENT..good luck and keep us posted after ur dr. appt

  2. its hard to believe it when you having been trying for a while but pretty soon you will have to hunni cos there is a baby in there who will grow big healthy and strong and in a few months you will be holding him/her in your arms. You might not get morning sickness this time so dont panic! congratulations and start believing xx

  3. I have a nearly 6 (end of Dec) & I tested positive on Sat - 4 days past AF. Like you, it's been a long time since I am pregnant & I want this baby so much (been TTC for 9 mths now). My doctor's appointment is not until Friday where they refer me to the maternity hospital in another 2 weeks. The wait is agonising. You are not alone being worried here & I am sure things are going to work out fine for us.  

  4. I think some one is pregnant!! Yaaayyyy. Congrats!!!! Maybe make a DR appt and go in for a blood test to confirm. Good luck and God bless. =] Plz send me some of your luck. I'm on my 2ww!  

  5. I also have a child (4) and ttc at the moment!  i have done countless number of hpt and still no positive! if i was you i would deffinatly start believing that i was pregnant.  with my first child i didnt even realise i was pregnant until about 12 weeks!!  i had no syptoms at all.  i really hope all goes well for you.  

  6. oh hunni i woudl say our are. YAY congrats chick.

    i love hearing news like yours it gives the rest of us hope. i wish you all the best at the doctors and all the best with your new tiny baby.

    keep us posted and enjoy the feeling.

    * * * * * * * * CONGRATULATIONS* * * * * * * * * :-D

  7. believe it, ur pregnant.

  8. If you see a line its positive and if you see 3 than you def. are preggers....Congrats on the pregnancy!  

  9. Yes, you're pg. These tests are very sensitive.

  10. congrats.

  11. I would say CONGRATS!      Good luck.  

  12. yes dear,have happy 9 months ,i pray 4 u dear

  13. I'd say you are pregnant! Remember...not ever gets sick and sometimes even though you were sick during one pregnancy does not mean you'll be sick during every pregnancy. Just relax hon.

    Last year when I tested positive my cycle was 28-32 days and I tested pos. on day 30. He's 3 months old tomorrow!

    I am sure all is fine. Congrats.  

  14. yes congrats

  15. Congratulations!! Yes you are definitely pregnant if the hpt says so. It cannot be evaporation line 3 out of 3 times. Dont worry so much. Go to the doctor and get it confirmed again.

    Good Luck :)

  16. as they say THREE IS THE CHARM!!congrats it seems like u r but its my suggestion that pls go to the clinic first thing tomaro morning & get a blood test done to be absolutely sure.dont worry all u have to do is wait till tomaro.i m praying to god that u dont get ur periods & this is it for u!!all the best honey & lots of baby dust!!

  17. Jumps up and down with joy because your pregnant lucky congratulations send some baby dust our way thanx.

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