
3 questions about this ILS-CAT2-approach chart: 1. What does this "RA 95'" mean? 2. What does the black ......

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........ arrow mean [(1342') standing next to it].

And finally, what is meant at the bottom by "HGS"?

By the way, I always thought that a CAT2-approach has always to be flown by autopilot, but at the bottom I understand it that autoland is just needed if RVR is below 350 m?

And why is it written that the RVR must be more than 300 m, a CAT2-approach has normally a RVR of minimum 350 m?!




  1. RA 95 means radar altitude 95'. The black arrow depicts the highest spot elevation or obstacle on the chart. No Cat II does not have to be autopilot flown. In fact PICMA is the norm. Pilot in command monitored approach. The copilot flies the approach and the PIC monitors what's going on and looks for the runway so he can decide on the go around. By the way, on a CAT II go around you can expect the mains to hit the runway so be sure you have that positive rate of climb before commanding gear up.

  2. The "RA" means the height above the ground as measured by a radar altimeter (or radio altimeter).

    That arrow on a Jeppesen chart points to the highest obstacle on the chart.

    HGS is heads-up guidance system - basically all of the flight instruments projected on a plate of glass in front of the window, similar to what you would find in military airplanes.  Many commercial and high end corporate jets have HUD/HGS systems installed now.  It allows a pilot to go from instrument flight to visual flight without having to change from looking down to looking up.

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