
3 questions on what you know about New Zealand culture.?

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Hi, so I'm doing a school documentary on what people from overseas know about New Zealand culture and how this is influenced by famous NZers in the entertainment industry. So. I had initially posted a video on youtube for people to respond to ( but that turned out to be ineffective so if you can PLEASE answer by video response on youtube.

If not then:

1. What do you know about New Zealand culture?

2. Name 3 famous people (or groups of people) in the media.

3. How do these influence your perception of NZ?





  1. Why is this in the Australia category?

    1. I think the general culture is accepting of diversity. New Zealand treats Maoris a lot better than many other cultures treat their indigenous people.

    2. Helen Clarke (who I think is a pretty good leader and makes me think that the majority of New Zealander's have good judgment on political issues!), Russell Crowe (well... I think Hollywood's got to him), the guys off Flight of the Concords (makes me think New Zealanders have a good sense of humour), Marie Clay (who makes me think that education is a high priority it NZ. Actually, most of the people I've met from NZ are university educated so that might have altered my perception a bit too...).

  2. 1. What do you want to know?

    2. Nesian Mystic (group), Helen Clarke (PM) Winston Peters (NZ 1st)

    3. To be honest it doesnt... Its what I read about everyday in the NZ herald, that influences my perception on NZ... Im a kiwi myself, and lived there for 16yrs, before leaving and moving onto to something a million times better...

  3. 1 Rugby, Sheep, Kiri te Kanawa.  

    2 Kiri te Kanawa, Keri Hulme, Teddy Teanu Rhodes

    3  It is possible to transcend sheep and sing or write

  4. Go to

  5. 1. Maori

    2. Helen Clarke. Neil Finn. Tim Finn.

    3. I'd love to go for a holiday to N.Z. (Other things influence this though as well as the above ~ Mostly the countryside/mountains/wilderness areas ~ I've seen a few documentary programs on N.Z.)

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