
3 random trivia questions, 10 points.?

by Guest21506  |  earlier

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1. How many month's is The Navy S.E.A.L.s training?

2. Is the whopper part of McDonalds or Burger King?

3. What is my favorite game in the world?




  1. 1. From the Navy SEALs website.

    It takes about five years to train a SEAL up to a high level of competence in all skill and mission areas.

    BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) Training -

    BUD/S is a 6-month SEAL training course held at the Naval Special Warfare Training Center in Coronado, CA.

    After BUDS is completed, trainees go through 3 weeks of Basic Parachute Training.

    SQT - SEAL Qualification Training -

    BUD/S is BASIC individual training. Now the prospective SEAL must check into his SEAL Team, assume the "new guy" role and start to learn how to operate as an elite commando unit. This mandatory four-month course is the first step.

    Advanced Training -

    18D Medic

    Those that have made it through the gauntlet of BUD/S and SQT and have the desire to be SEAL medics will be sent to Ft. Bragg, North Carolina for an additional six months of advance medical training known as 18D (pronounced "delta").

    Platoon Training -

    SEAL Platoons have a training cycle, which includes either a 12 or 18 month training work-up, then a 6 month deployment overseas in an operational ‘combat ready’ status at a Naval Special Warfare Unit or Detachment.

    2. Burger King which is known as Hungry Jacks if you live in Australia.

    3. I have no idea.

  2. 1. 4

    2.Burger king

    3. Bioshock!!!!

  3. 1. 11 months

    SEAL recruit training has these components, lasting 48 weeks (or 11 months):

    25 weeks Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training at the Naval Special Warfare Center in Coronado, California near San Diego.

    1 week of static line jump training, followed by 3 weeks of Military Free Fall (MFF) Qualification training at Tactical Air Operations in Otay, CA.

    At Coronado, 19-week SEAL Qualification Training (SQT).

    After this, the trainee is officially named a SEAL.

    2. Burger King

    The Whopper is the signature product sold by Burger King.

    3.  BioShock

  4. 11 basic

    plus whatever other thing they want to train for

    Burger King


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