
3 things I don't understand.....?

by  |  earlier

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3.Hotdog buns come in 10, but hotdogs in 8.

2.White chocolate has no chocolate at all.

1.No one in China eats fortune cookies




  1. interesting.  

  2. i like the last one : ]

  3. yes, hot dog buns come in 8

    ive never heard taht they come in 10s

    and yes, fortune cookies tates like pooop :]

  4. who knew : ]

    i dont understand either :p

  5. 1- people like bread more then meat

    2- its just a name

    3- why not? i am sure one person does cuz they are goood !

    3 things i dont get

    1- politics

    2- why is there rich and poor? like why should people have a billion dollers when some1 is dieing on the streets?

    3- why people are so rude.


  6. Good point:

    1. They eat rice pudding and tapioca

    2. I didn't know that

    3. Mrs. Baird's Hot dog buns come 8/ bag and Hebrew 100% Beef Franks are 8/ package.  My meals always seem to balance out.

  7. White chocolate is chocolate. Don't you watch the food network?

  8. The one I don't get is "head over heels". My head is always over my heels!

  9. I have to agree on you with those. Logic is hard to find now.

    Fortune cookies were invented in the USA (I think California) when the chef had extra batter, so he made the fortune cookies.

    What is white chocolate made out of? :^S

  10. lolz thats true

  11. Some things we were never meant to understand.

  12. did you know fortune cookies were invented in the United States.  

  13. 3. Why people who were born rich think the rest of us should work harder rather than asking for handouts from the government ( you know public education, welfare and medicaid)

    2.Why does Sarah Palin still think abstinence based sexual education is best when her teenage daughter is pregnant because she doesn't know about condoms.

    1.Why is it that people who are against a woman's right to choose abortion are also the people who try to cut federal spending on child welfare and also why don't they go adopt them all?

  14. hahha

    thats funny!!

  15. why dont you just turn into a super sayan and find out

  16. you got me thinking real hard about this

    but #1 is funny as h**l i was cracking up

  17. Hey i don't have an answer for you but you really did just get me thinking for a minute and I would have never thought of those questions

  18. 1.  The business people want you to buy 2 hot dog packs instead of just one to make more money so they did not make the two even.

    2. Because the color is white and it looks like white chocolate?

    3. I highly doubt that absolutely no one in china does not eat fortune cookies.

  19. 3. Because they want you to buy more hot dogs.

    2. You got me there.

    1. I'm sure there is SOMEONE who eats fortune cookies. If not, they're the makers of them right? So why would they open one of those already know what their fortune could say?

  20. I think I saw a story on TV about how fortune cookies were invented by Chinese American immigrants.  

    As for the hot dog buns, I think you get a couple of extra in case you drop a bun or they get squashed or something like that.

  21. 1.Actually this is because it depends on what kind of hot dog packages you buy hello!!!

    2.White chocolate has 2.5% chocolate in it and the other 97.5% is other freaky ingredients.

    3.People in China love fortune cookies they eat them as desserts all the time.

    WOW I am 10 and I am in an advanced shool and I knnow that much wow you suck!!!:P  

  22. I dont get that either...

  23. 3 things! i have 5 billion things i don't understand! * skips away*

  24. 3 Things i dont understand

    1)What mcdonalds food contain

    2)If leather is real skin and pleather is fake where does the P come in

    3)how fish sleep,they have no eyelids

  25. lol no cluee

  26. Yeah I never understood those either... Except for white chocolate because all the sugar in it is just gross and thats what makes up 80% of all chocolate except dark. Freakin' hotdogs....

  27. 3. In case a bun gets crushed you have replacements!

    2. It doesn't matter its still good.

    1. They just have plain cookies because fortunes don't come true. :(


  28. nice

    now I will show the 3 thing I dont understand

    why racists hates jews if they are white?

    why the McDonalds clown is so creepy?

    why am I asking this questions?

  29. yeah they do!!!!

  30. huh, i do not know either

  31. funny - thank you for the laugh

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