
3 things a farmer would do to sell some grown thing?

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3 things a farmer would do to sell some grown thing?




  1. go to the market

    set up a stand

    have a hot babe with bikini to sell the produce

  2. depends on what he is selling..

    like plants/vege/grain or livestock?  

    insome places they have to sell to one spot.. (as with some grains) or like maybe with cattle they can sell at auction market or direct to a buyer.. or slaughter it themself

    sometimes the price is fixed for them, most often it is..

  3. 1.  Determine price

    2.  Prepare for market - packaging, labeling, etc.  

    3.  Deliver the goods - where and when sold is definitely something to be studied prior to delivery

  4. Harvest the crop, clean and package the crop ship the crop to point of sale.

    for example I grow lettuce and I must cut the heads of lettuce than ASAP get the lettuce to the packing shed where it is washed and spun dry than it goes into a refrigerator to cool down. Than it is bagged and ready to be sold.

  5. first..people buy stuff if its worth if it is..then the farmer must get it packed.....and yes it must not contain any kind of pests..or rodents chewing on it......

    next the farmer would need to transport the packed produce.......

    and when that is done...there is the need to get it in the contact a suitable shop or local market for selling the goods.....the farmer must make sure that whatever deal he is signing govt. approved........keeping in mind the minimum support price (if there is one in the region)........

  6. First grow the produce,

    Second, determine market value or if producing large quantity find a company to supply

    Third, be sure the product is of high-quality before taking it to market or harvesting it for the company which they supply

  7. 1. Always try to take up to standard+ produce from your farm.

    2. Pack it with your brand name.

    3. Develop your own clientele, sale directly to the consumers, like some wineries do.

    It takes time, have patience and good luck to you.

  8. take the food to market or arrange for a pick up

    get a value for the food per pound or by bushel etc

    package up the food

  9. First he must prepare the land and plant it.

    Then he has to nurture it and care for it as it grows.

    Finely he must harvest it and get it ready to market, then he can sell it.

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