
3 weeks with this is driving me mad?

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here are my symptoms:

3 weeks ago: Tickle dry cough. Now:Deep cough from lungs

3 weeks ago: No phlegm. Now: coloured phlegm and taste funny

3 weeks ago: No stuffiness Now: stuffy nose 24/7 mostly morning

I had a viral infection(very tickle dry cough) 3 weeks ago and took some bio tics and Now its changed into this phlegm sinus thing?

when i take my inhaler it loosens the phlegm but when i cough i can feel it going up and down my chest but only a small amout comes out and is also hard to breath while doing this




  1. I would go back to the doctor apparently the antibiotic is not working.  It sounds that your viral infection has turned into something more, I am guessing bronchitis because that has happened to me the exact same way you have it now.  So get to the doctor before it gets more serious.

  2. As you have an inhaler, you obviously have a chest problem.  Go back to the doctor and request a sputum test. Just because you took antibiotics, doesn't mean that they were the right ones or that they cleared the bug up completely.

    I suffer from chest problems and every time i get a chest infection i have to have a sputum test,this tells them which bug you have and the best antibiotic that the bug is susceptible to.

    I recently had a similar problem thought the bug had gone and it turned out to be a bug that hides low down in your lungs when you take an antibiotic, it then starts to multiply again when you stop taking them. You therefore need the right antibiotic in a high dose and for longer than normal.  

  3. If its a viral infection antibiotics wont work as they are for bacterial infections.

    You should go back to your doctor.  

  4. you have bronchitis, go to the doctor, if it stays untreated, you can die, not like 1 in 15384 chance either, like 1 in 6, so go to the doctor.

  5. You may want to go see a doctor.  You don't want pneumonia.

  6. Sounds like you got a sinus infection, that is going into bronchitis.  If you are on antibiotics without helping, you may need to go back, and get stronger ones.

  7. Sounds like another Doctors visit is in order. After that you might want to try doing something to help keep your immune system up. I have always gotten sick when colds and things came around but now I haven't been sick for three years. I started a regimen of high antioxidant fruit juice about three years ago and it seems to be working. I won't plug the brand here and I'm not sure the brand matters all that much anyway. Eat healthy and get moderate exercise too. It all makes a difference.

    Best Regards

    Edric Zaruba

  8. you should go see your doctor

    however, if you want a rough idea, i use this site:

    hope it helps!

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