
3 y/o daughter broke collar bone?

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was at a&e today and have been told she has broken her collar bone. we have to go to the fracture clinic tomorrow. does anyone know whay this would be? i thought that she would have had to have went in a couple of weeks not next day?




  1. You have done the right thing by getting your daughter to A&E and it is clear you have the best interest of your child at heart.

    The Fracture clinic will need to check if the bones are lined up correctly. The method of treatment will depend on this examination. If all is well they will give you advice on managing the injury after hospital care. Be reassured that for this injury they only operate if there is damage to the tissues (e.g. nerves, blood vessels, muscles etc.) around the brake.

    Don't worry to much, my son broke his collar bone some years ago when about the same age and now aged 37, he healed well.

    Hope your daughter is soon on the road to recovery. She won't want to swing her arm around too much for a few weeks.

  2. A fracture should be set in the  proper position and immobilized as soon as possible. If not done soon enough it could heal  improperly. The pain of fracture is another reason that they would want to immobilize as soon a possible. Why would anyone want to accidentally move a broken bone the wrong way and cause more pain?  The only time I have not seen a fracture casted right away is because of massive swelling or internal damage that needs surgery. They always immobilize so movement is as little as possible.  

  3. What the heck would make you think to wait a few weeks to get your daughters brokem collar bone examined and get fixed?! I would think you would want it treated as soon as possible, considering it's probably pretty painful. And how the heck did your 3 year old break her collar bone. She souldn't have been out of your sight lond enough to break it.

    I can't believe your complaining basically that they are going to see your daughter's injury too soon. Do you WANT her to suffer or somthing?

    I'd rather keep them tied up then have them break their collar bone anyways.

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