
3 year old and 1 year old constantly fighting?

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I officially do not have any hair left as I have pulled it all out. My kids are constantly fighting. This recently began when my younger guy started walking and able to pick up toys. My 3 year old is forever taking them back and hitting my one year old with them. Now that my little one is walking he is retaliating and hitting his brother back.

I've done time-outs, tried to seperate them by letting my eldest go watch a movie, taking toys away......any suggestions to help get through this stage before they get too old and I have to start breaking up fist fights between them?




  1. Next time this happens grab that 3 year old and put him directly in his room and tell him this will NOT BE TOLERATED.  You are the problem, not the kids.  This is due to your weak parenting.  You need to make it clear to the 3 yo that there will be immediate and severe repercussions for his behavior.

  2. Time out

  3. Try explaining why we don't hit others and the importance of sharing.  If you see the younger one reaching for a toy explain that he wants to play and help the older one show him how to play.  You also need consequences when they do fight.  And praise them when they don't fight.  

  4. I have two boys (ages 3 and 1) so I know what you are talking about. It seems like they are at each other all day long. You got to start working with the three year old and the youngest will follow. I made a character chart for my son. I listed four tasks that he must do everyday. One of those tasks is to be nice to his brother. Before bedtime we go over the chart and he gets a sticker for each task he fulfilled. At the end of the week he gets a reward if his chart is mostly filled with stickers. Usually the reward is a trip to the dollar store or to his favorite park.  Now whenever I notice him being bossy or swiping toys I give him one warning that he will loose his sticker and he usually stops.

    I also try to use sympathy with him. For example, I would say your little brother wants to play with you could you please give him a cool toy. I also make sure I praise him for the time he is nice to his brother. On a daily basis I remind him that he is the special big brother. And big brothers have very important jobs. Big brothers help little brothers learn to share and not hit.

    I am sure every child is different but mine works very well with rewards and positive reinforcement. The more time outs and yelling in the house the more stressed we all get. Don't get me wrong, discipline is important and if he refuses to share his toys or hits his brother, he goes to timeout and he losses his sticker.  

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