
3 year old cat can't seem to meow suddenly?

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I have a 3 year old who has been fairly vocal. She used to meow to announce she was around or that she happy. I recently got a new kitten. They are getting along fine. The older cat will even groom the kitten.

However this week I notice the older cat keeps opening her mouth like she is trying to meow but nothing comes out. She continues to purr fine, and I give her plenty of attention. Any suggestions?




  1. Your cat might just be losing her voice.  Sometimes my cat does that when she wakes up or randomly when she asks for food but some weird raspy noise comes out.  If it doesn't come bak in about a week or so you should try taking her to the vet.  

  2. probably just a quiet cat my cat does the same thing and now hes 10 1/2 yrs old, and hes fine

  3. It's probs nothing. my cat's 7 and says 'merrr'

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