
3 year old complains of tummy pain

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My 3 year old boy complains of tummy pains when he wakes up from his mid-day nap, this has happened for the last 6 months. He cries and won't let me help him. It usually goes away after I convince him to eat something. Any idea's??




  1. He is probably just hungry.  Try to give him a light snack an hour before he goes to bed and see if that helps any.  If the problem persists I would talk to his doctor about it.

  2. Take him to the doctor, It could be something serious as was a case a few months ago when I kid was saying the same thing and then died from his apendix exploding. .... Sorry don't mean to scare you.  

  3. have you seen a doctor about it? if not, after 6 months..the question begs...WHY THE h**l NOT?

  4. Yes, how is his stool?  hard could need more fiber, I would try th Dr, to be safe!  Also when My 4 year old gets a tummy ache I give her child chewable pepto tabs-watermelon flavor, (smell good enough where you could eat)!  She is fine after one of those!

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