
3 year old daugher who wants to be picked up ALL the time, how do we break her of this?

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My wife endures more than the lion's share of the responsibility of our 3 year old girl and 1 year old boy, only because the children force that issue. She finds herself in a position where our 3 year old daughter always wants to be carried no matter where we are or go. The problem is (other than the obvious) that often times she/we have things to carry and she doesn't have a free hand but our daughter pitches a fit everytime. If she doesn't get picked up she creates a scene and just keeps crying until she is or until we're back in the car. We went to an aqarium yesterday and it went like that all day. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, both what I can do to help and secondly any suggestions for my wife.




  1. Every time you pick her up punch her in the face. She'll never wanna get picked up again

    Or give her an option. Tell her today she can either get picked up or sleep in the house

  2. it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the answer, just don't pick her up. You're well on the way to having a spoiled child, at 3 there is NO reason to be carrying her. If anything, invest in a stroller which should be kicked to the curb when she's 5, at oldest.

  3. You need to make sure you don't pick her up at all, even if free hands. carrying around a 3 year old is not good for your back. They have legs and they are able to walk at that age.

    Dont pick her up at home, anywhere and she will get used to it. tell her no, your  a big girl, hold her hand. if she carries on, make her sit down wherever you are until she is really to walk like a big girl.

  4. Take her aside and have a little talk with her.  Tell her she's a big girl now and that, "You don't want Mommy to carry you like a baby!" I used to do this to my son, and I'd put him on my lap and try to rock him and say, "Oh, look at the baby!" And he would say, "NOOOOooo, I'm not!"  It was all in good fun.  You just have to make it sound like being a big girl is a lot better than being a baby.  When she asks to be picked up, tell her no and remind her that she's a big girl.  I would also tell my son that it was my turn and that he needed to pick ME up, and he would try and just laugh and laugh.  And when she is walking by herself you should always try to give compliments, "Oh, look at my big girl walking all by herself!"  Kids tend to shine more with positive reinforcement.  Also, if she throws a fit, give her a spanking or time out and let her know that it's not acceptable behavior and that it won't be tolerated.      

  5. just ignore her when she wants to  be picked up.

  6. By not picking the child up.  If the child has a tantrum, put her in time out.  Have the child help carry things.  Make her feel important.

    Your Answer:

    By not picking the child up. If the child has a tantrum, put her in time out. Have the child help carry things. Make her feel important.

    "If she doesn't get picked up she creates a scene and just keeps crying until she is or until we're back in the car."

    Ok, this would have gotten me a smack on the butt and immediately solved the problem.

  7. You have to be stern and tell her no and don't give in and just pick her up in the middle of her fit.

    Ignore the tantrum, other people who have children know that children have tantrums so there is nothing to be embarassed about.

    If she continues then you bring her to the car or home until she calms down.  Explain to her that she's a big girl and big girls walk.  Mommy and Daddy have to carry this or that and can not carry a big girl too.

    Remain consistant so she understands she won't be picked up all the time, if you cave in once and be stern the next time it won't work because you're sending her mixed messages.

    Good luck!

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