
3 year old girl says she loves me... What do I say in front of the parents (hello she is not mne)?

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3 year old girl says she loves me... What do I say in front of the parents (hello she is not mne)?




  1. Just say it back, I love you too...its not a big deal, and I doubt the parents will think anything of it. If anything, they will think its cute.

  2. Just say " I wuve you too," in a baby voice and give her a hug.

  3. ummm dude just say it back but not in a s**y way or anything shes just a lil girl. but say it in a DUM adorable cute way

  4. How sweet.  3 year olds are delightful so just play it cool and bend down and give her a nice hug.

    It really doesn't matter what other people think, just do what comes naturally to you.

  5. Play it off like nothing happened. Nothing did happen right? She is three, not even capable of a rational thought process nonetheless a legitimate feeling of self infatuation or love. Don't extend your gratitude by responding back to her. We live in a society today where a seemingly innocent confrontation with a child dictates a unwarranted form of legality that can cost you your life. Back off and do nothing.

  6. Three year olds have no inhibitions...they say the first thing that comes to mind....and if they like you...they love you.

    How fortunate you are to be loved by one so innocent...

    Just tell her you love her too, and pat her on the head...her mom and dad understand....

  7. Pick her up and start making out.....dude it's just a baby. Tell her you love her too nicely even if it's in a joking way. what are you to do? Tell her "eww" or "i hate you"? just tell her that you love her too and mess up her hair playfully.

  8. Brush it of would J-Lo care if you said she was hot no. So think of it as you're J-Lo just make a joke of it!

  9. just sort of laugh and give her a hug.

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