
3 year olds who constantly hit eachother? (Need help from other daycare teachers perhaps)?

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I work at a childcare center. I have a group of 3 year olds. The children come to me from Toddlers. I am the first structured group that the enter before they go into the pre-k room. I am the "Preschool 1" teacher, we have PS 1, 2, and 3(3 is prek)

The ratio is 1teacher (me) to 10 kids.

Any of you with kids of your own KNOW that 10 3year olds is a handfull!

I've had this group for a little over a year and I actually gave notice that I'm leaving. I am 21 years old and attending school for the field, and I feel that in order to properly guide these children I need to be MORE educated than I am.

I can not constantly be standing over the children (ex. 1 child has a 'potty accident', most of my attention goes to that child) When ever my attention is moved elsewhere, the room turns into chaos!

Even when all of my attention is focused on the children only, it seems that hitting and harsh words are the "it thing" among these 3 year olds.





  1. I'm a preschool teacher too and I have the same issue. Have you tried maybe rewarding the ones that have been good all day with treats or stickers? It gives them something to work for. And about the two girls maybe trying to keep them apart more(if its possible) I have the same problem except that its two boys and that seems to work most of the time.

  2. ok I work with 2y old but my room is structured and I can only have 6 but I have worked with 3y old for awhile I have a smiley face/stop light  behavior chart a green smiley means they have been good and yellow means they done something wrong but only once like a warning red means they havent acted good today I have it hanging on the wall and clothes pins with there pic on it (so they know who is who) and as they get in trouble they move down if they get on red they have to sit down for a certain amount of min when you take them out to play (you decide how long) then on days you cant go outside use something they like (playdoe) they cant play for a little while everyone else is

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