
3 years girl got a bad temper !!?

by  |  earlier

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twin girls one is fine and the other keeps crying and complaining about dressing or when going out or about everything she scatters things all around the house , if she wants to ask for something she keeps crying and crying (but not real crying) just like making noise. We keep talking to her but useless. We tried to reward her and bring her things for every good behaviour but she suddenly changes !!

She makes us so nervous everyday ? what else shall we try ?





  1. You are on the right track rewarding good behaviour.  The other side of this technique is to ignore the bad behaviour.  If she starts making crying noises when she wants something, say, use your words and ask, if she doesn't, ignore the bad behaviour until she works out she needs to ask properly.  Whenever she is naughty, tell her what you would like her to do and if she doesn't, ignore the bad behaviour and tell her again what you would like her to do.  If she gets no reaction for her bad behaviour and lot's of positive attention for her good, it shouldn't take too long for her to work out which is best.

  2. start taking her out alone without the other twin  pay special attention to her ...alone. Make special days each week for one and then the other to be alone with you . Keep these days consistant. Use the days as a tool ..if we dont clean up we miss our special day ect.

  3. maybe she feels like she wants more attention than her sister. do you  give the other one more attention? don't say things like why can't you be like your sister or anything like that. make sure you reward her with everything good she does, and punish her for everything bad. do the same to her sister, so she doesn't feel like your against her.

  4. It is nice to spend individual time with your girls, but make sure that you are not spending more time with the twin with the bad temper, otherwise your other daughter may perceive it as being rewarded for bad behaviour and you will end up with both of them having problems.

  5. I have 2 girls with a year and a half difference, the youngest is the exact same as your 3 yr old, she cant ever ask for anything always whines for it and cant tell me something she has to shout it, Ive found just letting her have her little rant then sit her down and explain that she won't be rewarded for that kind of behavior, I agree its best to start this off on a 1 to 1 basis until you feel in control but do remember not to leave the other little girl out as i find my youngest often has tantrums as she realizes she will get my whole attention.

    hope Ive been helpful

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