
3 yr old fully potty trained except for pooping

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I am concerned about my 3 yr old daughter. She has been fully potty trained during night and day for a year. As a baby in the NICU she was given a biopsy for hirschprungs disease , but it came back negative.

It seems like she can't even feel the need to p**p. She has yet to go p**p in the potty.

People keep chalking it up to my paranoia, and say that it is typical 3 yr old behavior. Even her doctor.

What do you think?




  1. Uhm- how can you say she's fully potty trained when she doesnt p**p in the potty?  Thats far from being potty trained- you can at best claim she is 1/2 potty trained.

    Anyway, pooping in the potty is the hardest part of potty training in my experience.  Go back to the basics- keep asking her if she has to go every 20-30 minutes.  Keep putting her on the potty and asking her to go.  Eventually she'll get the idea.  It sounds to me like it the potty training that has failed thus far, not something physically wrong with the child.

  2. My son didn't like pooping in the toilet but did in his diaper and it wasn't until recently (he is 3) when he started using the toilet and it was all by himself. Some kids get scared and my doctor said if they want to use the diaper to let them but talk to them and tell them that big boys/girls go in the big potty and you can not be a big boy/girl till you go in the big potty. My son wanted to be a big boy so he started using the big potty. It was like an overnight success for us. I hope this helps!

  3. Get a second opinion -- preferably your daughter's. Ask her if she knows when it is poopy time. Ask her to tell you how it feels when it's coming, and if she can't really tell you, then take her to another doc. Shop around. It's best for both of you. Good luck!!!

  4. My daughter potty trained easily except for the pooping part.  I am embarrassed to say that she pooped in a diaper until her 5th birthday.  She put a diaper on once a day for 5 minutes and did the deed.  (She is a stubborn cus.)  On her 5th birthday I told her she could p**p in the diaper as long as she wants but 5 year olds change their own diaper.  She asked a lot of questions: what if it happened when she was asleep, what if she forgot to go in the potty, etc. etc.  For all questions i said that is no problem, you'll just have to change the poopy diaper yourself.  I was very neutral about it, not scolding.  She started pooping in the potty that day although she refused let us in the bathroom or to talk about it.  She also stopped wearing a pullup at night that day because she was afraid she'd p**p in it!  She was so grossed out by the thought of having to deal with that diaper!  She's a teen now and as weird as it was, I'm glad I let her take the time she needed instead of making a big war out of it.  BUT I would have made her start changing her own diaper a lot sooner, like at 4 1/2 or even on the 4th birthday.  Good luck and don't worry, these things blow over.  

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