
3 yr old twins fight during my jogging?

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I go on a 2 mile jog/walk with a friend of mine everyday. My girls sit in a jogging stroller with snacks, drinks, and toys and still fight and whine constantly. It really is frustrating. Is there anythin at all that I could do to keep them from whining the entire 2 miles.




  1. Can't they just stay home with Daddy? Or get separate strollers and your friend can push one...or you can take one, leave the other and switch every day!

  2. I have twin boys that are 4 yrs old and so far I have found nothing that will keep them from fighting. I would suggest getting a sitter. would be good for you to get some me time

  3. I have 3 year old twins too.  Maybe 2 miles is too long for them--I usually go for a 1 mile walk and towards the end they start wanting to get out.  

    Also did you try to change the time--maybe they are not really hungry during the time you go so the snacks are not working to distract them.

    This might sound like a crazy idea (and you will not get as much exercise) but have you tried letting them walk with you?  I have done that a few times and they love it but the walk definitely turns into a much longer walk since you stop a lot.

    Good Luck!


  4. could you swap a twin for your mates baby? let her push a twin, while you push a twin and the other kid.

    take the toys off them if they fight and whine.

    give them back when they behave

    teach them some games they can play, like i spy

    or sing songs, all of you together. get them doing the actions to head shoulders, knees and toes

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