
$30,000 debt problems?

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wath you suggest to help my husband get out of his debt problems they are 1 credit card debt and the rest is for car reppo and bank over draft i really need to know wath we can do. thank's for your opinions




  1. Go for debt consolidation

    There are many debt consolidation compnies offering such service. You can apply online also.

  2. You need to start increasing your income as soon as possible. If you don't you will be out of home. So try and find more ways to bring income into your home.

  3. Hi,

    I used "Credit Solution" to settle my debt and avoid bankruptcy.They managed to reduce my debt up to 58%.It's legitimate.I came across this company on NBC News Special Edition.Check it out here:

  4. Make some extra money!

    I suggest you to try project payday, simply because you don't need any money up front and you can start making money within 15 minutes. I average around 1,500 dollars every month with it. Check it out at

  5. taking it your in England if so go to a local welfare right and you could ask for an admin order to be don't. this is kind off like been bankrupt in a way your credit score will go right down but then again will do anyway if you can pay at some point. basically the court will put all your debt into one and will then arrange for you to pay the money to them but however they do nock quit a lot of it off!! 2 of my friends have done this. and as you pay not interest on this seams good option then one of then company's now on telly

  6. If you can manage your debts its well and good but if you are unable to manage then debt consolidation program would be the best for you. As the debt counselor are the experts of that field and so they can help you to pay off your debts by managing it. Moreover they have relationship with major creditors do they can help you to lower either your total debts or interest rates. And thus providing you with an affordable debt management plan.

    Here is the source of a debt consolidation company for your reference. You can take help of them if you want. Good luck

  7. Try this:

  8. i am in £30.000 pound debt we have been to cab and they are offering our creditors £1.00 per mnth each they do accept token payments has if not has my partner says they cant get blood out of a stone almost all of the time interest is frozen so you don t get thurther into de bt  in 8 year time we will be able to borrow ofour house and remorgage to clear outstanding debt we are still negotiating payments now

  9. There's a good article at eHow on steps to take to begin tackling your debt.  Take a look at it:

    How to Stop Escalating Debt

    It includes information on companies (both non-profit and for-profit) that can help you with debt consolidation and reduction.  

    You can also look here for tips on earning some extra cash online:

    How to make money on the internet, scam-free

    Lastly, here's an interesting alternative to conventional lending...getting a "social networking" loan from Virgin Money (from the same folks who run Virgin Airlines):

    Social Loans from Virgin Money

    Hope these help.
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