
30.5 Weeks pregnant and dealing with these symptoms.. should i go back and see my midwife asap?

by Guest63638  |  earlier

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Just been diagnosed as anemic at 30.5 weeks pregnant and am suffering the side effects quite badly. I am fatigued ALL THE TIME, extremely moody, suffering severe headaches, constant nausea and dizzy spells and my ears are so sensitive that when people talk to me i just want to rip strips through them because it hurts sooo much! Headaches are as bad as migraines and i spend most of my time with my fingers in my ears nearly in tears because i can't deal with it!! Panadol doesn't help kill the pain and I'm taking the iron supplements and am starting to eat foods rich in iron but im not sure how much longer i can handle this without going insane! I've been like this for minimum 6 days before the midwife told me I was anemic but i really cant stand it much longer... I saw my midwife on Tuesday and she said if these symptoms kept up or got worse to give her a call but i don't see the point as i don't think there's anything they can do to help me although i'm getting to the stage i'll call regardless because it just hurts soo much! I even threw up last night and had a black spots through my line of vision and just felt completely sick... Please, does anyone have any tips on dealing with this is on my own? It would be much appreciated!




  1. umm go to the hospital.. see your dr.. not a midwife!

  2. Go back and see your GP again and ask him how best to deal with these problems as it is making you really miserable.  

    I took iron supplements with my 3rd pregnancy but dont remember being so miserable.  I was worn out with 2 other youngsters to look after, thats pretty normal.

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