
30 Weeks pregnaut- how do they check the amniotic fluid???

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Just had a dr appt. tonight- I go back every 2 weeks now- the next appointment is an ultrasound and they want to check my amniotic fluid? how do they exactly do that??




  1. The doctor check by ultra sound on how much fluid u have. They do that even when u are not that far along. So u might want to have a full bladder to be on the safe side when u go in. Good Luck!!!!

  2. the ultrasound will show it i had mine done because my fluid was low

  3. They measure the empty spaces where the fluid is.  It's like how they measure everything on the baby, it's arms, legs, head, body...then they just measure the pockets where there is no baby and just fluid so they can get an estimate of how much is in there.

  4. they might have to do a amniocentesis which they take a needle and draw just a lil of the amniotic fluid. Don't worry though I had it done and I am now 5mths pregnant and everything is fine. GOOD LUCK !

  5. We check the AFI (amniotic fluid level) by using the normal ultrasound machine.  We put the transducer (camera) on your abdomen, and check all four quadrants of your uterus.  So we find the largest pocket of fluid we can in the lower left side of your uterus, the upper left, the upper right and the lower right.  We measure these pockets, and the enter those measurements into the machine, and the software gives us the AFI.  

    Where I work, when we do a AFI scan, we also do the measurements of the baby )head, abdomen and femur), measure your cervical length, image the placenta and get a fetal heart rate.

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