
30 points: What does this quote by Anne Frank mean?

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"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."

I know what it means. It means people try to improve the world without waiting and procrastinating. They don't need others to tell them to make the community a better place. They just do it.

But I need about 3 more sentences. I can't think of anything else to write. Can you?


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  1. --» People don`t change the world because they HAVE TO. They don`t do it for the recognition, the rewards, fame, money, ect. They do it out of the kindness out of their hearts.

    xoxo Nikki♥

  2. Actually it means more... or less... than you think.

    What it means is this: Making the world a better place starts with a decision.

  3. It means dont wait for the right time because the right time is always the it now

  4. Anne Frank was in a very confined situation, hiding in the secret annex with a few other people. But she had a way to improve the world without waiting for her freedom, by improving herself: working on what she considered to be her own character flaws, trying to be kinder and nicer to her family members and fellow housemates (even in cramped quarters and difficult circumstances), keeping up with her reading and studies, writing down her thoughts, and philosophizing about life. Even though she eventually died in a concentration camp, she did succeed in making the world a better place through her courage and self-discipline, as revealed in her journals. She set a wonderful example for all of us.

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