
30 week pregnant with very funny bowls, please help?

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in the past 5 days i've had very funny bowl movements, the thing is that i cant stop going to the toilet for a number 2 (pooh) but it is not diarrhea, it is just like a normal number 2 but i am going about 5-6 times a day and i have never been like this before, also i've got really bad stomach cramps and i cant stop passing wind.

i just wounded if any one has any clues as to what could be up with my bowels? please help i feel really embarest about going to my doctor?




  1. Your stomach pains are probably just gas (since you're having a lot of that right now), and your using the bathroom 5-6 times a day is normal for late pregnancy. Your body knows it is about to deliver in the upcoming weeks and it naturally cleanses itself before the big day! Many pregnant women experience this natural occurrence.

    Really, it is normal to have days like this at any point in your pregnancy because the bigger that baby gets the more pressure it puts on your intestines and they just can't hold as much. I know it seems gross but you would be AMAZED at the amount of p**p that is in your intestines at any given time...then just imagine them getting squished by your ever expanding uterus...all that excess has got to come out right? (when people go in for a hydro-colonic where their intestines are flushed out with water they can lose from 5-20 lbs of nothing but p**p!)

    Just consider the thousands $$ people spend on "cleansing" their bodies and be happy your getting it for free!!

    Also, TRUST ME, your doctor has heard a LOT worse things than normal bowel movements 5-6 times a day!! Never be embarrassed to talk to him/her about ANYTHING!!  

    If the pain is mild cramps that you can tell are your stomach and not your uterus then I wouldn't worry about it. If the pain begins to be sharp or stabbing or you can't tell where it is coming from call your Doc immediately - That's what they are there for!  

  2. It's very normal later in pregnancy.  It's just your body loosening up for the baby to come soon.  And it's bowel, not bowl.  

  3. same thing is happening to me lol so your not alone. My midwife said its completely normal, its just your body getting ready to give birth. Its just something you have to put up with lol. good luck

  4. we are currently experiencing the same thing but i am only going like 3 times a day,i am getting the cramps also

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