
30 weeks and cramping low down?

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i am 30 weeks pregnant and im having like really bad cramps low down and it feels like its getting whole stomach was getting tight a couple of days ago but right now its just the bottom part under neath my belly button is this normal?




  1. they sound like contractions to me......usually i would say time them but since your only 30 weeks i would suggest calling labor and delivery because if you are in the early stages of labor they need to give you a shot. This happened to me at 35 weeks

  2. they are commonly known as "braxton hicks" in other words, they are practice contractions, your body is preparing yourself for labour.. You can ring and check with your doctor/midwife, but i am sure that's all you are experiencing.. Good luck sweetie   xx

  3. these sound like braxton hick to me which are practice contractions they are to prepare your uterus for labor.

    they can sometimes be painful. if you find that the pains are becoming more stronger and regular then call your midwife of local delivery unit as they will want to see you to check everything over.

    however i would not worry to much. hugs hope all goes well  

  4. sounds like Braxton Hicks...i started getting them around 20 weeks. Your lower tummy tightens up for a short time then it relaxes. Drink lots of water cause you may be dehydrated, but it is really normal to have them. If they become worse, call your dr.

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