
30 weeks pregnant and feeling a lot of low pelvic kicking/movements?

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What does this mean?

When I tell people that, they say that she is trying to come early and I better hold that baby in! I thought it was normal but that's what everyone says when I tell them that I can feel her in my privacy area! What is it?

Thanks for answering!<333




  1. as a mom of 3 i would say that is an onset of labor and i would be very careful of my actions. as long as you are not spotting i think you are ok but as always talk with your doctor.

    i wish you the best!

  2. I just want to comment that I&#039;ve been feeling the EXACT same things the past day or two and I am 30 weeks as well!  Comforting to know it&#039;s the baby shifting. I was just used to feeling all the movement up high, so this startled me a little.  He/she must have flipped over, upside down, etc!  

  3. My sister had the same problem. But she gave birth at full tirm so there really is nothing to worry about but if you are just call the doctor in the morning or ask him at your next visit. And a good sign is you can feel the kicking down there. When a baby drops it usually drops Head first so as long as he/she is kicking they&#039;re not ready to come out.

  4. I just had my baby 1 weeks ago and when i was 30 weeks i felt alot of lower pelvic kicking. I asked my doctor about it and he said it was just the baby moving lower into the birth canal. You&#039;ll probably feel that for the rest of your pregnancy, I did!! So from what i was told, its totally normal, so dont worry about it.

    congrats on your baby

    stay blessed

  5. wow reading this is sooo interesting. like how a life is in your stomach.. moving around. hehe. cute.

  6. Hi, well in my experience I am pregnant with my fourth and I can feel my son in my v****a area but it should be like the fingers, but it&#039;s just that there is not alot of room in your womb now and every movement the baby is trying to get comfy.  

    Movement does not say the baby wants to come now, you want to feel alot of movement especially right now this lets you know the baby is doing fine and strong.  

    Labor is what you are looking for the cramping pain that would be consistant and starting from your lower mid back and forward to your stomach.  

  7. the baby has dropped its called the lightning effect, i had that with both my kids and it will take anywhere from a day to 1 month till the baby will come out it does get uncomfortable but its almost over just a couple more weeks

  8. Wow you&#039;re gullable....the baby DOES drop eventually, 30 weeks is early but you should be fine....people are just joking around w/ u!

  9. I&#039;m 35 weeks and have the same movements..and tingling flutters in very lower regions and he has been in the engaged position since 30wks, people have been saying the same to me, mostly friends and family who are just &#039;teasing&#039;.

    I&#039;m just take it as bub just feeling his way around, as my midwives assure me there is nothing to be concerned about.

    Good luck :)

  10. it is normal to feel the baby in your pelvic area at this stage in your pregnancy...i feel it all the time an my baby is head down.i felt my baby jumping on my cervix through my whole does not mean that your baby will come early at is just the position he/she is in...

  11. your baby is just a very active baby girl. she is just settling into position;, and can continue to do so untill she is born. this is a good thimg. your labor will be easier, and she will probably be healthier. at approximately 7 months, this is normal activity for the baby. dont worry. hope you the best of luck. she is going to be a winner!

  12. Ugh I feel my baby up by my ribs well his butt anyway he is in the down position so his head is down low.  Is your baby breech ??? that&#039;s the only thing I can think off.  

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