
30 weeks pregnant & concerned about shooting lower back pain on my right side...?

by Guest58427  |  earlier

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I am currently 30 weeks pregnant. Lately, if I have been lying down for a while and get up, I have a shooting pain on the right side of my lower back through to my buttocks. If I walk around a little bit, the pain will go away.

Does anyone know what this is? Any suggestions on how to make it better? Should I be concerned? I don't have an appointment with the dr for a couple for weeks...

Thanks for your help!




  1. Back pain is normal. as long as it goes away and isnt accompanied by regular contractions or unusual discharge, youre fine. You should be seeing your doctor every two weeks untill you give birth though

  2. HI There!

    This sounds very normal... your Baby is sitting on one of your nerves... talk to your doctor and find out if there is a way to try and move the baby, or maybe sit a certain way... You have nothing to be concerned about, it is just getting cramped in there for your baby... try talking to your doc and see what might help.... all the best of Luck... Happy early birthday little one :)

  3. It sounds like your uterus is pressing on your sciatic nerve.  It goes down your back and into your leg.  Mine bothers me when sitting or laying for awhile.  The only thing you can do is take some tylenol if you want and wait for the baby to be born.  If you are interested you could talk to your doctor about chiropratics and see if thats an option you want to look into.  

  4. Yes it is normal. the uterus is putting pressure on the nerve that runs through your butt down your legs.  It can help to reduce the pain by laying on your left side, not your back as this makes it worse and put a pillow between your legs. this should help reduce the pain and allow you to lay down for longer.

  5. I had the same. It was my nerve pressing down from all the pressure. Call ur doc if u are really worried. Good luck

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