
30 weeks pregnant - when will they schedule my c - section?

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I forgot to ask my doctor the last time I saw him.




  1. Most of friends were scheduled around 37 1/2 weeks to 38 weeks I know all docs are different.

  2. BETWEEN 38 AND 39 WKS I JUST HAD 1 8.8.08

  3. I think that is depending on your doctor and your circumstances.  If you are expected to have complication due to the baby being too large or for your own medical reasons than most likely they will get you in 37 to 40 weeks.  If your just wanting one to get it out as soon as possible, most will wait until 39 weeks if not 40 weeks.  Mine would not do it until 40 weeks unless there was an actual need to get it out sooner.  My baby was large and I was scheduled at 40 weeks.  Others I know had to wait until 42 weeks to push things along.  It is very dependent on the situation.  If you have no complications I would highly recommend waiting until 40 weeks.  It is not always a good thing to take a baby out before they want to come out.  The general norm is 37 weeks for a healthy baby to live outside the womb, but some babies may need the full 40 never really know.

  4. They will schedule you probably around 37-39 weeks.  

  5. I have had 4 c-sections, and they all were different.  My first was an emergency section, the second was my choice to have a section, and was scheduled 2 days before my due date (there was no danger in me going into labor on my own since with my first pregnancy I was 24 days late, was induced, and still never dialted.)  My 3rd was scheduled at 36 1/2 weeks, and the 4th was at 38 weeks.  There were many factors that played into my dates that were schedule, but the main one was that I wanted the same doctor to deliver all my children, so his schedule dicated what range of dates I chose.  He told me that, barring any complications, he would schedule anywhere from 36 - 40 weeks safely.  

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