
300 indoors???

by  |  earlier

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So this winter I ran a lot of 300's and i was out for a month with a hip injury. I am a freshman girl and i ran a PR of 44.5 and that was the last race of the season, and I improved every race I ran, so I never peaked. This spring I ran many 400's outside so I i work out through the summer and the fall would I be able to cut 2.5 seconds off of the 300 indoor time of 44.5 from freshman to sophmore year in high school??




  1. that is an awesome pr for a freshman. yeah run alot of 400s and go for a few mile run every other day. this will get your endurance up and take alot of the acids out of your legs. i found out that doing stairs (up the football stadium) helped out my short game. also do some 100s with a stop watch and try to get a 42 pace down. soo....try to do your 100s in 14 secs.and start at about 110 and start the watch as you cross the 100 mark so your up to speed. do 6 to 8 100s a day (or until you get tired) and eat good 24 hrs before your race. i used to eat pancakes about 5 hrs before i ran. and i know this will sound kind of sick but ahh..... an hour before the race ,...go to the bathroom and take the ritual pre-race dump. i know it sounds wierd, but thats what me and my team did and hey we broke our schools 4x8 record.

  2. it depends. 2.5 seconds is alot to take of quickly on such a short distance. If you were taking big jumps of time off each race then yes, i would say you could. But if you were just taking a second or less off each time then it will be harder.

  3. if you are willing to put in the hard work and dedication then 2.5 seconds is not an impossible goal...yes the 300 is short compared to the 800 and up, but think of it the other is much easier to take 2.5 seconds off a 300 than say the indoor 55dash or the 100...its all about perspective....think of it this only have to shave off 0.008333 seconds per meter

    one way you can greatly improve your running is lift weights..i know (from experience) the weight room can be intimidating for a girl but it is so worth it....i took weightlifting as a class first semester of my sophomore year and it helped me so much...i am a hurdler and lifting helped me take 3 seconds off my freshmen pr..(i was around 18.5 and the end of freshmen year...first race of sophomore year i was about 16.5 and by the end of the season i was in the low 15s) i also was more aggressive out of blocks and my legs were used to running under stress (i run longer sprints too, like 300 hurdles and 400)

    with good workouts and a healthy diet (and hopefully no injuries =] ) you should easily shave off a lot from your time
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