
.308 question !!!URGENT!!!?

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i know the .308 is the same diameter as a 30-06 and is a tiny bit longer, but i heard that the powder charge is quite a bit smaller than the 30-06 making it twice as accurate at 600 and 1000 yrds. Is this true? please help!





  1. The 308 case is 51 mm long, the 30-06 about 63. The reason it was made shorter was that in the Garand design, saving a half inch in cartridge length meant saving an inch in action length. There may potentially be a slight increase in accuracy because a short action is stiffer, but all you have to do is grab the action and try to bend it to see there isn't a huge difference. There may also be a slightly improved consistency in burning rates of propellants when they're in a shorter, fatter column than in a longer, thinner one. The actual amount of propellant doesn't have anything to do with it, but simply reflects that the smaller case has less capacity. And as we all know, the relationship between increasing propellant loads and increasing velocities is far from linear.

    In the real world, 308 does tend to be a little more accurate than 30-06, but the two overlap more than they diverge, so you'll find quite a few rifles in 30-06 that are more accurate than quite a few in 308.

  2. Accuracy lies solely in 2 points, whether the gun shoots the ammo well (guns can be fussy) and whether you can hold still enough to make a 6 to 1000 yard shot.  Plus of course, one must take into consideration wind, humidity, temperature, etc. in order to even do well at 300 or 400 yards, let alone 600 or more yards.

    No gun is any more accurate than the person behind the trigger.  Will the .308 make a 600 yard shot?  Yes, probably, but a 1,000 yard shot very few people can boast such a feat...and most of them are snipers in the military now or in past years (Carlos Hathcock).

    A .308 may be more capable of shooting 1,000 yards than a 30-06, but as the first person to respond to your question said, the -06 does, in most situations, have better down range energy.  A bullet that has better energy will end up with less wind drift.  A bullet with less energy will be swayed by the wind as it gets out there at further distances.

  3. .308 is a very accurate caliber. But accuracy is a combination of many things working together properly. You can have a gun that shoots 1/4" MOA but if the person shooting it doesn't know how to use it they wont hit a target at 600 or 1000 yards. I suggest you read up on what makes a gun accurate and find a gun like that. If you have the money a Sako TRG 22 or a TRG 42 would be an excellent choice. It comes in .308 , 300 win mag and 338 Lapua mag

  4. The fact is that some rifles are inherently inaccurate due to design. Neither the 30-06 or the .308 fall into this category. You will find that in most cases, both calibres are much more accurate than the shooter. Of course this applies to most rifles, set up properly, the rifle will shoot better than you do. Unless you are an Olympic shooter the difference should be un-noticeable. The .308 is generally cheaper to feed though.

  5. The .308 is more accurate to about 500 yds the .30-06 has more power at a greater distance. Both are good to hunting rounds the .308 outstrips the .30-06 in accuracy inside 300yards by a long shot . I hope that helps

  6. 308 is fact its really a 30.06 short.... made to fit in automatic rifles....smaller cartridge less weight to carry and shorter gun action   ...both are abt the same in accuracy

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