
30mph speed limit, if you speed in these, why?

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I live in a 30 mph speed limit and just wondered why some people feel they are exempt and speed through it?

I have a3.5 yr old and a nearly 1 year old and it scares me to think these people could run them over. It doesnt have to be directly their fault, what i if my eldest topples off her bike and falls in to the road? Most culprits seem to be lorries, vans and boy racers. Most 30mph limits are in areas where there are vunerable people. At night its not such an issue but ven so the limit is there to be abided by, Im not saying ive never speeded on a 60mph road and im not excusing my actions but pleaseexplain why you do it in a 30mph?

It really bl**dy annoys me!!




  1. I tend not to speed in residential areas because I see too many kids about ready to walk out into the road.

    Of course I really want to park and smack the parent upside the head for not teaching their kid any better as well as figuring out why in the world the parent wasn't around and watching.

  2. I'll assumue Champagne doesn't have kids and thinks you can watch their every move 24/7!

    I have the same situation, my nephew and neice live at the top of my street where I grew up (I live there now).

    It's a little cul-de-sac and the area at the end is ideal for kids to ride their bikes and play out but even still I've seen people boot their car up there and I swear the next time I see someone do it I'll step out in front of them.

    When you drive into the village it is imeadiatly 20mph because of the school, and the kids park is just around the corner. It's a very family orientated village yet people do not take notice of the 30 or 20 mph speed limit!!


  3. I have a lead foot, but not in residental areas. It's a matter of safety for children, elderly, and the dimwitted people who have stepped off the curb without looking.

    Unfortunately, you're not going to change anyone's driving habits. You could make a complaint to your local police, but I'm not sure if they'd bother to do anything. Sometimes (at least around here) if they get enough complaints about a certain area they send an officer to catch them in the act, or sometimes they use one of those flashing signs that shows your speed.

    More importantly, you need to be sure your kids aren't playing too close to the road. Is there perhaps another location like a park or playground nearby where they can safely ride bikes? If so, that would be my suggestion. Little ones should never be playing near a street, even one that isn't that busy. Things can happen.

  4. You raise a very good point and you know that your going to get bad answers and thumbs down to all those whom have put a sensible answer,but we all know these are given from those people whom race about etc and your touching a nerve with them.

    Myself i live on a main road which cuts alot of traffic out hence used as a cut through and caters for more traffic then in was made for.

    But as said myself drives a performance car and can reach 165-175mph but stick to speed limits ,With having kids i would'nt like to hurt anyone else's kids.

    And i know you dont let your kids play on the road but it only takes someone to loss control which can happen in so many ways even to trying to miss a cat but at silly speeds there on the path or worse in your front garden.

    If i was you visit your neighbours and get a petition made up and give it your local MP and paper then try to push safety measures with your local council.

    Many councils have a scheme now where you can borrow a speed camera.If you get the same car more than 2 times on the camera then the Police can get involved with the driver.

  5. Blimey - im more concerned over the fact your 3.5 year old plays near the road and falls into the road ! WHAT ???

  6. I would be all in favour of the speed limits if the law did something about the idiots that just step out into the road without looking because they are either stupid, not been taught any better by their stupid parents, to busy texting on their mobile to look to see if there is a car coming or just being reprogrammed by their Ipod and can't here the cars coming. I suppose until the government figure out a way to slap a fine on a pedestrian the motorist will have to put up with being the one that is deemed to be at fault when some idiot steps in front of his car

  7. All rules are there to be observed, including 60, 70 and 30. but i agree there are more likely to be pedestrians and children in a 30 limit

    I agree with you, they are mad....we have one lad in our village who has an ASBO for speeding in a 30. The police rarely do speed traps in villages so were unlikley to ever catch him. So they council gave him an ASBO based on villagers complaints - that was a good idea and if you have persistant known offenders you might want to raise this option at a community meeting or at your local council meetings.

    my main car can do 186 MPH and produces 450 BHP. If i can stick to the speed limit, i'm sure most other people's cars can.

    confessional: i have an sp30 for doing 63 in a 60. I remeber the day, time and circumstance, i remember it was 2 years and 1 week ago. Its a shame speeding doesn't carry that impact with everyone, most people think it s a laugh.

    And beleive me, i'm no "sunday driver". Stick me on a track day and i get through a set of 265RX19 30's in no time at all.

    The road isn't a race track - many people don't get that.

  8. they are in a hurry - im not saying its right!

  9. Control your children then. I wonder about the statistics of how many children are killed or injured on the roads each year. The point is they should be on the pavements.

    Please note I do not condone speeding but if a child runs out under your front bumper then you have no chance at 30mph or even 20mph

    I once heard of a mother who was complaining that her child was knocked down by a motorbike ( which was not speeding ) but she claimed it was the motorbikes fault because it was too quiet and that the child did not hear it. ( Try LOOKING then )

    Or Try Learning the Green Cross Code !

  10. I actully asked the question yesterday about why is it that schools and the police no longer seem to do the cycling proficiency test. i would get him or her enrolled in somthing of that nature first before letting her on a road.

    Bye the way i am a mother of 5 kids and 3 grandkids, and their is no way would they be allowed on the road at a young age by myself or my kids. check out your area and see if this test is still available for your kids.

  11. I always go over 30mph in a 30 zone, why? well, I have to go places and 30mph is rather slow when your so d**n far from the highway. The honest answer is, I don't expect children to run out to the middle of the street or fall off their bike. There are green and red lights for a reason, and stop signs as well. Why should it matter if im doing 60 in a 30? I stop before red light... Are your children just running into the middle of the street?

  12. Sometimes I go more than the 30mph in certain areas. The reason: I live in NI and there are still areas where it is not wise to dwadle about, especially at night. So if I have to go through one of these areas, especially at night (after 9pm) I don't hang about. I have avoided numerous car-jackings, bricks through windscreens, even being shot at, by not going slow.

  13. I see the issue you are trying to raise and some misinterpretations of the jist of the question. In this town recently there was an incident where a little kid playing in grandma's front yard was struck by a car - the driver was drunk enough to drive over the pavement. As time progresses, we hear more and more of such incidences. I live on a cul-de-sac where the neighborhood children play; there is no reason for anyone to drive on this road unless they live here or are lost. Instead, I regularly see some driving at a higher speed, turnaround and speed off. It is a new culture.

    I appreciate your attempts to walk to the groceries, letting the children experience mother nature. We are so auto dependent, that people prefer to ride to the nearest store than walk for 10-15 minutes. I guess the gas prices have to hit $10/gallon for people to change their habits.

    If you have other parents in the neighborhood with your concern, then jointly complain to the police department. Keep track of the peak time of such violations, so they can make the best of the efforts and collect sizeable amount in tickets. If you are successful, request speed bumps. The money collected from speeding tickets should pay for the speed bumps. That should do.

  14. why not put a pettition together for some sort of traffic calming measures to be implemented by you're local council

  15. I am an advanced driving instructor and i can understand your anger and curiosity at why people do it. The simple answer is that it's all to do with s*x! Humans by nature want to be faster, bigger and better as a show of strength to others. They do it to impress, to show off (or sometimes because theyre just so stupid that they can't read numbers).

    What i class as normal drivers, those who have a standard licence, often feel threatened by others going faster and have to speed up because of that pressure. They feel the basic human need to prove themselves and show they're not weak by "beating" other drivers.

    Now then, an advanced driver (or a normal driver with a brain) does still feel this need but they can surpess it. They are more inteligent and know that nothing is to be gained by speeding, only bad can ever come of it. It takes a lot more control and discipline to control your speed rather than just act like a kid and speed everywhere.

    So, all in all, next time you see someone speeding just feel sorry for them that they aren't as evolved as you are :-)

  16. erm yer...why is your 3 1/2 year old on her bike near the road...take them to the park sometime.

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