
31 weeks= how many months?

by  |  earlier

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I am confused by the way doctors do this. How many months am I?




  1. divide by four as there are four weeks in a month

  2. Aww!! I am 31 weeks too:)

    Anyways, You are 7.75 months. at the end of this week you will be 8 :)

    Congratulations :)

  3. 28weeks= 7 months

    32weeks= 8 months.

    36weeks= 9 months.

    && 40weeks is the end of the 9th month.

    so you are almost 8 months :]

    everyone does the months different, thats why doctors go by weeks, its much eaiser.  

    but this is the most common way, and the other ways are more confusing.

  4. 13 weeks = 3 months

    26 weeks = 6 months (half a year, right)

    26 weeks + 4 weeks 3 days = 30 weeks 3 days = 7 months

    You are a 4 days over 7 months.  In 4 weeks you will b 8 Months.

  5. 7 months, almost 8

  6. It IS confusing b/c if you think about 40 wks, that would be 10 months. They count it from the first day of your last period even though you're not pregnant that first little while. So if you JUST missed your period you're already considered to be 4 wks.. think of that first 2 as "not really pregnant" -- so to answer your question, think about 31 wks pregnant as 29 wks gestational (or baby's) age... 29 wks divided by 4 (to know the months) is 7.25 months. Complicated...I know...

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