
31 weeks pregnant and thinning out!!?

by Guest56956  |  earlier

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i went to the doctor yesterday and had to get a steriod shot because im only 31 weeks and im dilated to 1cm and 50% effaced and they had to give me the shot just incase the baby comes early it will help its lungs to develop better...well i went to L&D today to get checked and get my other shot i had to have 2 well they checked me and i was still 1cm dilated and 75% effaced...this is my 5th baby..if i get to 100% effaced and still at 1 cm will they have to induce my labor or not?thanks!




  1. no only if your water breaks and you dont go into labor then they will induce you. i was 34 weeks and they gave me meds to stop labor for two weeks until my water broke then i didnt start labor so they induced me. you can walk around this way for a long time before the baby decides to come.  

  2. I do not think they will have to induce your labor. With my first child I was 100% effaced and 5cm dilated at 32 weeks--I stayed that way for 4 weeks. This time, with my second child I am almost 5cm and almost 100% effaced (not quite as much with either as with my first) and have been this way for over 5 weeks. I hope for you and your baby that everything is okay and you make it to fullterm! If not, at least you are at 31 weeks--a baby over 30 weeks has a very good chance of survival, and the lungs are fully developed at 34 weeks. Best of luck to you and your child!

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