
31 weeks w/Q's for preggers and pros?

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-31 weeks-

1.i have started to get this uncomfortable feeling on my left upper side .. it comes and goes and i have been getting it for the bast 2 day. What is it??

2. when did you pack for the hospital?

3.what ARE MUST bring items to the hospital that you did not want to youe the hospital supplies?

4. i tried to have my mother explain contractions but she couldnt can some1 please try to explain contractions.?

5.Did ur water break on it own? If so where were u when it broke?

6. How long after ur water broke did you deliver ur baby?

7. How long after u had u baby did u let visitors in?

8. how long did you shower after giving birth?

9.did u get your baby pictures done at the hospital or did yo take ur own?

10. Who was ur supports??

11.Did any1stay with u over night?

12. Did u have ur new baby stay in the room with you over night??

13. Do u bleed like they really describe it. Like you need to Maxi pads?

14. How long did your bleeding stop.. i heard it can last to 6 weeks.




  1. 1.i have started to get this uncomfortable feeling on my left upper side .. it comes and goes and i have been getting it for the bast 2 day. What is it??

    -im guessing you're just growing, or it could be the baby on a nerve... i hated it when that happened.

    2. when did you pack for the hospital?

    - i packed at 35 weeks... Or started packing. I was FINALLY fully packed about a week before i went into labor. (39 wks)

    3.what ARE MUST bring items to the hospital that you did not want to youe the hospital supplies?

    -if you mean if i didnt want to USE hospital things?

    i took 2 of my own gows... with buttons down the front to nurse... and slippers... i also took my baby some of her onsies because the hospitals were WAY too big...

    4. i tried to have my mother explain contractions but she couldnt can some1 please try to explain contractions.?

    -some peoples vary.. but mine were like period cramps times 6790989897798.

    5.Did ur water break on it own? If so where were u when it broke?

    -I had my membranes stripped 2 days before my water broke... i was sitting at home after coming back from walking at walmart... and when i leaned forward i felt a gush... like i had started my period.. but it wasnt fast or very messy.... i just smelled it and it didnt smell like pee so i changed my pad and checked again.... then i went into L&D.... by the time i got there i had my bloody show...

    6. How long after ur water broke did you deliver ur baby?

    -My water broke at midnight, i went into active labor by 1:30, had my baby by 6:51 am.

    7. How long after u had u baby did u let visitors in?

    -i already had my best friend and husband at the birth... and the min they cleaned me up and put me in my room, my friend tiffany came... which was about an hour after... they didnt care really...i liked having everyone there right after... but about an hour after everyone started visiting, my adrenaline rush was over and i was ready to sleep!

    8. how long did you shower after giving birth?

    -you can shower as soon as you get to your room. I had sooo many visitors i couldnt find time until LATE that night. You will feel so much better.

    9.did u get your baby pictures done at the hospital or did yo take ur own?

    -I had planned on it until i saw the prices.. then i realized, i could take just as good of a pic, take it to walmart, throw a border and her name on it and print it for 10 times cheaper.

    10. Who was ur supports??

    -if you mean who was there when i delivered.. it was supposed to be my mom but she was coming all of the way from illinois, so it was my friend Janine and my husband Keith.

    11.Did any1stay with u over night?

    -My husband

    12. Did u have ur new baby stay in the room with you over night??

    -Yes... before i had her i had planned on her staying in the nursery, but then i couldnt imagine it... i had to have her in there, and she was such a good baby... she slept ALL through the night.

    13. Do u bleed like they really describe it. Like you need to Maxi pads?

    -my baby is 3 weeks old tomorrow, and i am STILL bleeding an itty bitty bit. I recommend you go to walmart and get the always overnight maxi pads. They are better than the ones the hospital give you and they are SO comfortable. You may not bleed as long as me, but id say AT LEAST a week and a half the shortest. The pads are in purple wrapping if it helps.

    14. How long did your bleeding stop.. i heard it can last to 6 weeks.

    -as said, mine is STILL going... 3 weeks tomorrow...

    id say in a week it should stop for me.

  2. the uncomfortable feeling is probably your babies foot or hand pushing out on you... general stuff for the hospital, knickers, bras, pj's, day clothes, going home clothes, slippers, shampoo, hair brush,camera, snacks, pads and yes you need maxi, the baby's needs like going home outfit, blanket, nappies, wetones etc... contractions are a tightening of your stomach muscles basically, they get stronger the further your labor advances. with my first child my waters started to leak, and it was a long labor but she was stuck. the second was overdue and had to be induced so they broke my waters for me. some womens waters dont break until they are almost fully dialated... I had my mum and first daughter in visiting b4 they had even cleaned the mess of my birth up, that is a personal question, see how you feel after the birth you may not want any visitors for a while. I showered within an hour of giving birth the second time, the first time I had to wait for the epidural to wear off b4 I could do anything.. I took my own pictures. My mum and my best mate were my partners in the first birth and in the second I didn't have any.. no no-one stayed over night with me... yes my baby stayed with me both times... everyones bleeding after birth is different, mine wasn't too bad but I still used maxi just in case... my bleeding stopped after about a week and a half and didn't get a period for about six months after that, breastfeeding is great for that... hope this has helped good luck with your birth and congratulations......

  3. Wow lol ;)

    1 that feeling sounds like the baby might be pushing up on your rib cage. S/he is getting bigger and it gets cramped in there. Try laying on your back on the bed and stretching.

    2.I had mine packed by 38 weeks. But I found myself removing things and adding stuff and then taking it all out and repacking until I actually went to the hospital.

    3Must haves my hair tie, chap stick, slippers robe,  and a comfy night gown

    4Have you ever had to potty REALLY REALLY bad and your stomach felt as if it was in knots? Well it's like that but a lot worse.

    5No the doctor broke my water both times. In actuality very few womens water break on their own. It's nothing like in the movies either.

    6 .1st baby After they broke my water is was  like 10 hours 2nd about 4 hours.

    7. My mom Hubby and MIL were in the room. With my 1st I had him at 9am so I visitors by that afternoon. My 2nd she was 9pm so they didn't come till the next afternoon.

    8. 1st baby it was a few hours after I had slept and the epi was gone. 2nd the next morning. It was late and I  was beat.

    9. I love my camera so I took my own pics. Much cheaper since I can print them out at home myself.

    10.My husband both times.

    11 Again my husband

    12 yes.

    13. Yes the 1st day or two after delivery the bleeding is horrible. I wore those long thick maxi pads.

    14. I was bleeding for about 5-6 weeks with each one.

    Your next apts should be every other week until 36 weeks then once a week. Thats how mine were but every docs diff.

  4. you have a lot of questions and really to sum most of them up all women are diffrent. make sure u bring yourself clothes and your baby and  a comfort item if u have one naturally a toothbrush. a contraction felt for me like a sharp period pain. my water broke when my daughter ws comming out. i let visitors in right after i ws stoched and cleaned up i sbathed the nesc day. i had my baby in  the rom bleeding is diffrent for everyone... good luck and dont worry to much i hope i helped it took long to write this all lol

  5. 1. Might be the baby's foot.  He's getting bigger, while you are not.  The shorter your torso, the more apt you are to feel this.

    2. About a week before due date.  Pack COMFORTABLE clothing.  Easy to pull on and off pants, nursing bra one cup size bigger than you are now and a zip up style sweatshirt or sweater.

    3. I used their supplies, but bring YOUR favorite style of pads for going home so you are as comfortable as you can be; no tampons allowed.

    4. Contractions are very difficult to describe, but relax.  My mom told me I would know it, and she was right on.

    5. a. not with #1, the doctor had to do it; and b. with #2 yes while far along in labor

    6. #1 - 12 more hours; #2 emergency C-section preemie

    7. As soon as they were allowed.

    8. When the doctor said I could shower.  2-3 days.  Ask for assistance.  Its not uncommon to become a little dizzy first time.

    9. At hospital.  Worth every penny.

    10 . The daddy & extended family

    11. No

    12. No but that was okay.  

    13. Initially day or two like a heavier period.

    14. 6 weeks is not unusual, but its like one long period.  If you nurse, I think it slows considerably faster.

    One word of advice from a sage: While in the hospital and at home afterwards, sleep every moment you get and avoid temptation to do ANYTHING except rest when you can, especially if the baby is awake through the night.  Accept every offer of assistance from family and/or friends.  Your baby will become accustomed to others aside from you and the daddy.  That's a good thing.  You will bounce back much faster with the proper rest and be able to enjoy your new life.  Do not worry, God has plans for you and your baby.

    Good luck!

  6. no one's answering because they are exhausted after reading it! try posting 16 individual, short answer questions, or buy a good pregnancy book!

    Good luck!

  7. 1 it might be the baby leaning on a nerve talk to your doc about it and they might be able to give you tips to help the pain.

    2 when i was about 32 weeks

    3 shampoo,soap,hair bush and hair ties, socks a thin blanket and a pillow.

    4 REALLY REALLY bad cramps in your stomach that you may also feel in your back they can be breath taking i ended up getting an epidural because of the pain.

    5 yes it did i was sitting on my couch. sounds gross but before i would get my period i would have a lot of discharge and it kind of felt like that only obviously a lot more.

    6   21 hours later.

    7 had my son in the middle of the night went to bed and a few hours after i woke up i let people come in.

    8 i got in the shower after i woke up the next morning i made it a quick shower because i was still very tired.

    9 yes i got them done at the hospital

    10 my mom, my boyfriend and my best friend who happens to be a doula so that worked out nice lol

    11 yes my boyfriend.

    12 no i found it was better to have him in the nursery so i could actually sleep before i went home and had to be up with him every 2 hours so it was nice to be able to relax and rest the first few days.

    13 yes i bled a lot, i would say more then i should have. most people bleed 4-6 weeks i bled for 8-9weeks it does get very heavy and there are a lot of blood clots. they will be bigger then when were on your period but if you really are concernd about how big they are then talk to your doctor. I was in a lot of pain after i had my son i tore and needed stitchs they give you a squirt bottle to spray yourself with because you cant wipe and i also needed epifoam for the pain.

    ohh and if it burns when you pee after you have your baby...lean forward while you pee and drink alot of water if your urine is deluted with a lot of water it wont burn as much and if you lean forward there is less of a chance it will touch where it hurts.

  8. 1.  It is your spleen.  They are extremely sensitive and many pregnant experience pain from them being squished and kicked.

    2.  I pack for the hospital as soon as my OB tells me I've started to soften and dialate so that I'm prepared.

    3.  I bring jammies with me bc I hate wearing hosptial gowns.  Slippers bc I won't touch my bare feet to those floors.  And mini tolietries like the brand of shampoo you prefer.  Don't forget a take home outfit for the baby!  Choose your going home outfit carefully.  Do not pick pre-baby jeans!  I usually bring a maternity dress or yoga pants.

    4.  Contractions are the tightening of your muscles to move the baby down the birth canal.  They will be extremely painful, unlike anything else you've ever felt.  You will know without a doubt that you are in labor once you are ready to go to the hospital.  If they aren't very painful or frequent they are very early labor (too early for a hospital) or Braxton Hicks (practice contractions).

    5.  Most of the time my water does not break.  Once it broke on it own while I was in the grocery store.  Don't worry about it, if you are nine months pregnant no one will think you peed yourself, they will all know what's up.

    6.  After my water is broken I give birth quickly.  However my first labor was 8 hours and most women have atleast twice that long to wait for their first baby.

    7.  I hate having visitors after giving birth.  With my first baby everyone was there while I was giving birth and I had to throw a fit to get them to leave after an hour.  Since then only my children come in to visit in the hospital.  Everyone else is forced to wait until we get home.

    8.  I shower the same day as I gave birth.  You will be very sweaty and crusted in dried blood.

    9.  Hospital baby pictures are expensive and usually turn out only decent.  I take my own.

    10.  My husband is there with me when I give birth.  I wouldn't want anyone else to see me like that.

    11.  No one stays with me over night, except my husband the first time.  Now he stays with the other children.

    12.  A newborn is incomparibly precious and I would never let one out of my sight.  They always stay in my room.

    13.  After you give birth you will use pads about 5 times the size of a regular maxi pad and it will need to be changed every few hours for a couple days.  After that you will need to wear a maxi pad for a few weeks.

    14.  Mine usually lasts about 6 weeks.

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