
32 1/2 weeks...any advice for me for the rest of my pregnancy and the first few weeks?

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My husband and I are expecting our first baby in October. Any advice for the rest of my pregnancy, labor, and the first few weeks?




  1. I am a proud mom of a two yr old, and 35 wks pregnant with my second.  Realistically, this is the time of your pregnancy when you start to become more miserable.  Just keep reminding yourself that what's left is only a couple months of your life.  Everyone's labor is different.  Hard to say what your's will be like.  Hope it goes well.  As for the first few weeks, they'll probably be a blur.  Accept help from anyone who offers it to you.  You'll need it because you're probably gonna be exhausted.

  2. I am 32 1/2 weeks too! I'm due October 13th! My advice would be just to take it easy and don't over exert yourself! Try to get as much sleep as possible while you can. You won't be getting a lot after the baby is born!

    Good Luck!

  3. Congrats !!  You may have fun and some irritability and some swelling in the next few weeks.  Just be careful and do what your doctor tells you to do. With it being the end of summer months, you need to be cautious of the heat.  When Baby is about to arrive, the labor pains will intensify.  Pray about her/him and it will be easier.  

    As a new mom, you will want to rest whenever Baby rests. Learn to listen to the different sounds of crying. But most of all... Enjoy what God has given you !! A husband and a newborn child.  Have fun  

  4. Hey Congratulations on the little one!! I am also due in october and i have recently started using rasberry leaf tea (it also comes in tablets)to prepare the uterus for labor- it has been said that it reduces the length of labor (obviously everyone is different and this may not always work).  Do perineal massages with vitamin e oil to reduce the risk of 'tearing' during labor.  

    You've probably heard of positioning the baby for birth too (to prevent the baby from presenting in breech postition),  i try to spend at least 30 mins a day on my hands and knees watching tv etc or with a pilates ball (big rubber ball) on my knees with a pillow on the ball leaning into it. Sorry hope this makes sense lol

    These are just somethings i am trying as this is also my first. Hopefully they help you out too!

    Good luck and Congrats


  5. I recommend the epidural . . it hurt so bad at only 4 cm..

    Get all the sleep you can for now..

    Find a good book if your breastfeeding.. it can get boring.

  6. I am 40 weeks.

    You will begin to feel frustrated very soon! Also, look down and start noticing your feet..they may become to look deformed due to the edema (fluid swelling) that accumulates there. Waddling may be the new style of walking...and you may experience hip pains. Pretty much, stuff gets a little bad from here on out...and especially the frustration! Also, around this time, you may lose your mucous plug, and even experience the 'bloody show'. (Worth looking it up...) It may be pretty gross when you experience it. Good luck hun. It's almost time.  

  7. I am 39 weeks and know how you are feeling. It gets really tough at around 36 weeks... sorry. Just rest as much as you can and try and not be superwoman. Have your husband cook dinner a few nights or do the laundry. Your feet will swell and you will waddle and shuffle rather than be able to walk normally. Just take it at a slow pace and listen to your body. Use the last few weeks to indulge yourself... listen to music, read books, nap in the afternoon, treat yourself to something nice. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. Your beautiful baby will be here soon.

  8. My advice to you make you are walking and keeping active as much as you can now, it will help your labor go smoother. Also, remember you don't necassarily have to have a bloody show or have your water break, if you feel its time it probably is. I was having contractions but didnt want to go to the hospital bc my water hadnt broken nor did had i had a bloody show, and i almost ended delivering @ home! so trust your instinct, your body tells you when its time.

    Also your maternal instincts kick in faster than you will ever imagine. when your baby is here, you will know what to do. i was so scared about taking care of a newborn and knowing what to do but it really does come naturally.

    Just enjoy your last few weeks of pregnancy. dont stress your weight or how you look, expecting mothers are beautiful! i wasted a lot of time stressing my weight and trust me, it wasnt worth it.  

  9. wow congrats good luck in october but just askur doctor is everything ok and anything to have a healthy pregnancy

  10. Well take it easy and try to keep your cravings down if you have any. Be shire to have your husband talk a lot around you so then the baby can hear his voice too. That is how the baby will know that he is his or hers dad. Keep eating health and try to start getting per pared for him or her. Sit, and don't try to do to many things. Get good sleep. and sing or sway back and froth so then the baby will be use to that when your husband tryies to put it asleep when it is his trun.  

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