
32 and still a virgin. Should I be embarrassed about this?

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I just have dodged men so far. I am wary and want the right person only. I am not ugly and am a good person but I do not want to be used by any man. I want a nice caring man who respects me. I have not found anyone who has even come close who is also interested in me. Is this so big of a deal? Is this a shock? I would think it was a greater shock to people if I had slept around then stayed a virgin. People ask me outright and they are always shocked and horrified. It has not affected me in any major way whatsoever. I am just worried men will not understand when I tell them or whether they would want to stick around.




  1. I agree with the people who posted above, being a virgin is your decision.  It is not shameful nor should it be embarrassing.  However, I would say that initially, you may want to keep this information to yourself initially when starting a relationship.  It is rather unusual to be a 32 year old virgin, and men may be turned off or scared away.  It is quite a commitment to sleep with a 30 something virgin and, rather shallowly, men don't want what they think other men have passed by.  Its lame, but its true.  Wait until your really serious about your partner before telling them you a virgin.  You want them to want you so much that they are either not bothered by your state or happy about it.

  2. you should not be embarrassed about being a virgin i now plenty of people that are in there 50. all you are doing is waiting for the right person to come along and snap you up and it will be mr right hope it helps.

  3. Nothing to be embarrassed about, but I think you should start wondering why you feel that no guy is good enough for you.. is there some hidden issues or fears?

  4. I don't think it's anything to be embarrassed about. In fact, i respect you for your decision. I, too think that we should wait for the right man before giving up our virginity .

  5. you have missed out on so much fun and pleasure.  

  6. Well, you have to be proud of it! Rather, the people who have lost it  without marriage should be embarrassed.  

  7. Uhm no Lara, I respect you for that.

    It's good that didn't give your virginity to some stupid guy.

  8. Great don't be embarrassed you'll find the right one one day it's just a matter of time.

  9. My boyfriend and I are both virgins and he'll be 32 later this year. Both of us have always wanted to wait until we found someone worth waiting for - and in the context of marriage.

    Don't be embarrassed - any decent man will respect you for your choice and your courage in sticking to what you want for yourself. You go girl! :)

  10. There's nothing wrong with this. You are supposed to abstain from s*x until you are married anyway. Good luck on your future. I'm sure you will find the right guy some day!

  11. Nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. You should wait until you are ready and comfortable with a guy. It will come to you when you least expect it, so don't worry.

  12. You don't know what you are missing.  s*x is awesome.  You are gonna regret not having lots of it while you were young.  Oh and 32 is old...times have changed, girls use to wait to get married before s*x because they got married at average was 35.  Now we live forever (not really) but girls and guys don't want to wait till 30 to have s*x cuz that's when most people get married.

  13. you shouldn't be embarrassed. i think that's the right way to live. you shouldn't have to give something up just because of what others think. i mean, it's like a test for them. if they don't respect you for your decision, than they aren't right for you. you'll probably meet the special someone soon.

  14. seriously?

    wow thats embarrassing  

  15. your fine now but in eight years you should be cuz they will make a movie out of you. poor poor steve carrel.

  16. first of all, we live in a time where women are cheap enough to give it up as soon as they can. its really not just men who are to blame, but there are lots of women out there who dont understand that they can easily be used and manipulated through s*x. so you are right in being cautious about your virtue. it isnt weird that you are still a virgin at age 32. the only reason i dont think its weird is because you have never been married and really, the best time to have s*x is when you are married regardless of all the misleading media that brainwashes people into thinking that waiting is for losers. one thing i do question is if you might be a little too weary. dont be afraid to give people a chance because trust me, not all men are only interested in just one thing. i used to be like you and i know because i have a boyfriend of 4 years who has respected my choices to remain a virgin until marriage entirely. but sometimes it seems that those type of men are hard to friend still. but theres no harm in waiting anyway. 32 is not old. also, if you say that men are only interested in having s*x with you, then you might want to think about how you are presenting yourself to them. if a girl like you is as cautious as you are, most men who only want s*x are going to turn around and not take any interest. maybe think about whether or not your way of dress is too provocative or what types of signs you send to other people. and dont think too hard about this. because trust me, most of your friends are actually jealous that you have kept your virtue and saving it for the right person because i bet they wish they had too.

  17. I dont think its anything to be embarrassed about. You havent given into society's pressure.  

  18. of course men will understand if you tell them you're a virgin by choice, because it means you're a woman of virtue. otherwise if you're a virgin for lack of opportunity (nobody interested in you), that's another story. in any case, if they stick around after you tell them about it, that would mean you have serious suitors-- potential life partners. good luck

  19. Is it because you are catholic?

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