
32 weeks and baby has stopped moving in the last 2 days. ?

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My baby has gone from moving a TON to almost not at all the past two days. I'm going in for a check-up on Wednesday and would like an ultrasound to make sure everything is AOK. Has anyone else experienced such a slow down of movement and if so, what did your doctor tell you was the cause? Thanks in advance.




  1. If the movement has just slowed then it is due to the fact that the baby is growing and has very little space left to move. If it hasn't moved at all then you should go to the ER immediately. Lay on your left side and do a kick count, if you don't feel 10 kicks in 2 hours or less, you really need to see someone.  

  2. i would recommend going to the doctor immediately and have it checked out or even the baby might not have room to move.

  3. I did. At about this point they start running out of room to flip around as much. If you don't feel him at all, that's when you would be concerned about it. Mine moves around a ton some days, and others I hardly know he's there. They can also do a Fetal Non-Stress test, it's where they hook up a heart monitor to your belly and monitor the heart beat for a couple of minutes. I had this done like once a week with my first. I carried a lot of extra fluid and I couldn't always feel him moving. Your doctor can advise you on it though. Just talk to him/her on Wednesday.

  4. Ok, has the movement slowed or stopped altogether?  If you aren't feeling him move at all, you need to be checked out asap.  If it has slowed dramatically, I still think you should call your doctor, the on-call, or the labor and delivery ward.

  5. Have you been doing a lot more stuff latley? I know that if I relax all day the baby kicks like crazy but on the days that I clean the house top to bottom and do things outside and don't stop till a fall into bed that the baby doesn't move as much. Also, as you get further and further along your baby is running out of room which is completley normal for them to start moving less. My mom said with all 3 of her pregnancies that neither of us kicked much after 32/33 weeks and the doctor would make her wake my brother up and he was really long and in weird positions so he really couldn't kick, no room (shes rather small too.) So it is completley normal, but of course let your OB know, if you still feel the baby kick I would say everything is just fine! Good luck and congrats. You're almost there!! :)

  6. Your baby could be moving out of room. Do your fetal movement counts, baby should move 10 times in 10 hours. If not call your doctor or go to the ER.

  7. hm.  i'd go in tomorrow to make sure.  or today....that would freak me out.

    altho my baby (i'm 30 weeks) had a slow day the other day...but today she is freakin out again...

    good luck....and call your doctor or go to the ER

  8. i dont mean to eorry you but i have read alot about that and i would go see a doctor asap. good luck

    im sure everything is fine but i would worry aobut it too.

  9. defiantly go to the docter but for now DONT WORRY because it will stress the baby. trust me mine did the same thing,she would be extremely active than not move at all for a few days

  10. If your baby hasnt moved much or at all then you need to be checked out a.s.a.p. something could be wrong.  

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