
32 weeks pregnant and im carring my baby lower then other people.?

by Guest63348  |  earlier

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im pregnant with a girl and my belly dosn't look like other pregnant girls.. it looks lower.. i thought when u have a girl u carry high?? how come im carring so low has any one had this?




  1. It really just is an old wives tale as to how you carry.

    I'm carrying pretty high, compared to the 'low for a boy' theory.

  2. That whole "how you carry determines the s*x" theory is an old wives tale. Every pregnancy is different! Just relax and enjoy these last few weeks. As long as your doctor says all is okay, rest assured.  

  3. LOL its a myth that where you carry your baby tells the s*x of it. I carried low the whole time with my daughter just consider yourself lucky that you might dilate sooner if she stays down.

  4. Carry low carry high is a myth.

    My daughter is carrying hers sideways, he's breach. Explain that one? :)

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