
32 weeks.......?????

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I'm 32 weeks + 3 days and been getting period pains the past few days iv had a show but my midwife and doctor said that its ok and some people get this at this stage its my frist baby and I'm a lil worried she might decide to come early please don't call me stupid it also feels like i always need a poo sorry if tmi x




  1. If you are worried I would go in and have them check you.  Forget them if you feel something is wrong or you aren't comfortable then go get checked to put your mind at ease.  Best of luck!

  2. Sounds like Early labor.

    If your worried ho to the hospital to get a second opinion. Your baby and body decides when your going to go into labor (unless you get induced)due date is just an estimate of when you'll have your baby.

    Trust me the hospital gets new mommies in all the time way before baby even comes its their job to be their for you and they are use to it.


  3. trust your instincts, if you are concerned...go to the hospital!

  4. It sounds like you could be in the early stages of labor if you are feeling pains and pressure making you feel like you need to have a bowel movement. Maybe you should get a second opinion especially if you already lost your mucus plug. Good luck to you!  

  5. I would be worried too

  6. i would be calling the doc again i would be worried too ...  

  7. The pains could be your round ligaments stretching. That happened to me to and it got worse each week until I delivered.  

  8. if you feel like you have to go to the bathroom then i think that you should go to the doctor b/c that is pressure and that means that baby is dropping and almost ready

  9. happened to me at 31 weeks... had the baby early, insist on at least getting checked

  10. if you are not sure, go to hosp! i had two of my babies at 33 weeks, thye were be okay!

  11. if you would feel happier to have a second opinion, surely the hospital would understand your concerns?  Or maybe your family doctor could advise you?  The pressure which you are feeling, might be the babies head has dropped into its correct final position, low in your pelvis.  It probably isn't a sign that something is wrong, but it could all be a sign that things are happening early.  I would go get a second professional opinion.  Good luck. x

  12. sounds like babys almost ready to get out of there. all i can say is good luck for when it happens

  13. I've had the same symptoms, since I was 28 weeks, and I'm almost 33 weeks, now. Doc checked me out, and said all was well, but it could be a good idea to call your doctor, first.. Rushing to the hospital, might be a bit extreme; the doc will tell you if he/she wants to see you, and what you should do.

    P.S. Doctor told me baby is low, and head down... That doesn't mean labor is imminent, but it does count for the pressure I'm feeling!
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