

by  |  earlier

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i'm 33+1 weeks pregnant, and over the past couple of days i really think i have been nesting, i have got my kitchen and hall decorated, i mean i clean but i have been very particular making sure all corners are touched i want it smelling and looking spotless, been getting my washing and ironing done. Also ive felt like i have got to get them done. my energy levels are up and down, i feel like i need a poo all the time also my braxton hicks have slightly increased.

so basically what i want to know because all this does this mean that the baby will soon be here?

love kristy xx




  1. I want to know that too !

    I 'm the same way ! I just can't stop cleaning and cleaning.. I guess we're just trying to have everything ready when our baby's come..

    My husband tell's me to take it easy to rest and sleep..but I think all this exercise we're doing it's just good for us..

    Good Luck to you !

  2. you are only 33 wks! nesting is not a sign your baby is immediately coming, it is an instinct that helps you prepare for baby!

  3. yeah i would say your baby was due about the 8th of october would i be right.....

  4. Nope. I went through then nesting stage a little before 30 weeks, and my BH contractions lasted for weeks before the real thing kicked in.  

  5. Of course I can't tell you yes or no, but I can tell you I had the "nesting" thing going on at around 32-33 weeks too.  I'm now 37 and 2 days and nothing.... SO, I guess it's not a sure sign.  

    That's okay, though, these little buns need to cook in our ovens as long as they need to!

    Good luck with the waiting game.  :o)

  6. nope, hormone surges are completely normal. :) hehe But seriously, i'm 28 weeks with my second and have started nesting something awful. Braxton hicks happen quite often and are getting strong enough to be painful but this has nothing to do with anything except that we are in the final stage and our body knows this. When I have the energy to nest...i just let myself...It makes me feel like i'm accomplishing towards the baby's birth.

  7. i am 36weeks5days and i have been nesting and feeling the same way the past 2 weeks and i have not had my baby yet so it doesnt mean that ur going to have it anytime soon. i told my doc about it and then told me to take it easy do a lil here and there and stay off my feet as much as i could.

  8. Sadly nesting means nothing in terms of labor. I've been nesting for a few weeks now and it's starting to drive me nuts. Just this evening i was having a nice relaxing bath, but all i could think about was how dusty the pipe in the back of my toilet was!

  9. Its a womens instinct to 'nest' it doesnt mean your having the baby tomorrow though!  Just make sure that in between your cleaning sessions your taking little breaks to elevate your feet and relax a bit.  Drink lots of water, maybe have a salad with some balsamic vinigar to alleviate the feelings of having to poo.  Good Luck and Congradulations on your new baby to come

  10. I know how you feel about feeling like you haneed to poo all the time and having braxtons hicks increase. I'm 39 weeks and it's also happening to me. But I think you are lucky, I still havent nested at all. I really mean, nothing is done. I cant get the energy to do it. But I've heard of people nesting from the very early into the pregnancy, so I doubt the babys coming soon.

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