I'm almost 34 weeks pregnant, and today I noticed that my urine looked really cloudy all day long. It looked something like lemonade (sorry about the TMI, just wanted to give a visual) I drank about seven 17 oz. bottles of water today, trying to remedy the situation, but it didn't work. My urine is normally a very light yellow to clear color, so this is pretty unusual, especially since I drank more than usual today to try to fix it. My feet were also very swollen, not sure if it was just water retention or if it has something to do with this. I know I've heard about protein spilling in the urine, which leads to other complications, not sure if this would be a sign of that particular problem?
I know I'm probably worried about nothing, but the cloudy urine is very very unusual for me, especially with as much water as I drank today.
Thanks for all your help!