
33 weeks pregnant & i havent felt the baby move that much today?

by  |  earlier

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i know the bigger the baby gets they can move less in the uterus but ive read that u should still be able to feel the baby move, not so much as kicks and punches




  1. I would try drinking something sweet like, Orange juice.

    and if nothing still, I would go to the hospital or doctors. They dont mind checking you out. You could be dehydrated, as a mother of 4 kids, i went through this with baby number 3 and 4 all the time.

    And if you are a little dehydrated they will give you some IV fluids.

    No big deal. The reason I say get checked out, is it could lead to pre term labor.


  2. If you feel any less movements, that's something you should tell your doctor. Because that could mean harm for the baby and you don't want that. They'll just hook you up to monitors to check the babys heartbeat, have you drink something and press a button when you feel the baby move. I had to go through that too. Just make sure to get checked. You might have to have an emergency c-section if somethings wrong.

  3. i remember worrying about this very thing, id have to go get the heartbeat checked. its normal.  i ever worried myself and made myself go get a fetal moniter.  soon enough, youll be wishing the baby would stop kicking again!  they go through stages of sleeping and rest.

  4. Have you felt baby at all?

    baby is probably just having a lazy day, and like you said his/her nest is starting to run out of room

    I'm sure everything is fine hun, good luck!!!

  5. I wouldn't worry too much. Fetuses are only human, just like us, and they have their "up" days when they wanna move around like crazy, and they have their "down" days when they just wanna chill out and relax. If it's really worrying you, do what's called a "kick count." Count the number of movements you feel in an hour, and if you don't reach ten in an hour, call your doctor. More than likely, there's not anything to worry about, but hearing your baby's heartbeat can be reassuring and put your worries to rest.

    Hope I helped. Congratulations =]

  6. are you counting the kicks? If not you should be. Since 28 weeks at least you should be counting. The baby should move at least a couple times an hour when you are awake. At least that is what my doc told me.

  7. as long as you feel the baby move more then 5 times in one hour or ten times in 2 hours then you are all good. if you don't feel the baby at least that much call the doctor

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