I am extremely tired most all the time, except for maybe a few hours of the day. I sleep for 8 hours at night, and then every day I take a four-hour long nap, for a total of 12 hours of sleep each day and I still feel tired. Here are my stats if anyone thinks any of this could be factor:
-I found out in the beginning of my pregnancy that I have a low thyroid, which causes extreme fatigue, but i am on medication for it which I am taking everyday, so unless my dosage needs to be increase, or if it is b/c i haven't been taking it in the morning lately...
-I am on bedrest--trying to keep busy but not sure if this is part of why i am so tired
-I am dilated to 5cm and having a number of contractions each day sometimes for many hours (they are not dilating me, I've been checked) but not sure if any of that could be wearing out my body
I do have a doctor's appointment in the morning I will bring it up at...but I was just wondering if anyone has experienced this or has any thoughts. Any help at all would be appreciated.
Thanks a bunch!