
34C Big Or Small for a 14yr Old?

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Im 14 and 34C most of the girls in my year are 15 or 16 and they are way bigger than me is 34C normal for my age?




  1. Well, I also wear 34C, and I am also 14 years old, so no one can tell you  a certain size for a certain age. Each woman evolves in their own rhythm.


  2. It Kinda Big But I Know Ppl And Im Sure It Normal

    I Was That When I Was 13 But I Lost A Stone and Now Im An AA

  3. Breast size doesn't have much to do with age. It's genetic, except for pregnancy and severe weight gain or loss they will more or less stay the size they are at the end of puberty.

    If you are pretty much done growing, they are too. If you still have a little way to go, then so do they.

    34C sounds pretty generous - they boobie gods have been kind.

  4. 34C is actually kind of big for a 14 year old! But don't worry you'll catch up to your friends soon.

  5. erm...I'm a 12AA im pretty much flat!!!

  6. that's kind of big for your age.

    i was that big at your age too though.

    don't worry though, boys will love them. haha!

  7. Yeah. You're on the bigger side, but i think your fine. probably full grown.

  8. Big.

    I was 34B until I was 16, when I got pregnant I went up to 34C. Now i'm almost 18 and went back to 34B lol.

  9. I'm 16 and 34c so you are big

  10. 34 c actually is a bit big and you saying there are alot of others bigger? man what do they put in the water these days?

    hun your size sounds fine..dont worry. most woman out there is a c cup on average.

  11. I am going to tell you right now that most of the girls are NOT 34Cs. Water bras anyone? You are completly normal, and that size is perfect.  

  12. that is big.

    i'm 18 with a 36b so you think

  13. Yes it is. A lot of guys like C cups. I know my bf does :)

  14. Well I am 26 and 38C. I don't know if that is normal of 14 but I know I got to my size early and have stayed like that. You are what you are. Love yourself for that and don't compare your self to others. Some people are big some are small. But at the end of the day every baby is beautiful and you will find in a few years that men love women no matter what b***s they have. Just be true to yourself and be who you are.

  15. actually ur pretty big 4 your age

  16. Your about average, for 13 i've only moved up to a B cup, AFTER wearing an A cup for 2years, trust me, your fine

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