34th National Games: Orissa dominate Delhi 9-0 – Women’s Hockey Update
The Orissa Women’s hockey team defeated Delhi 9-0 in the 34th National Games being held in Ranchi, Jharkhand.
The match was very intriguing for the spectators to see Orissa outshine in the complete 70 minutes of the match. In the first half, Orissa managed to score five brilliant goals against the Delhi players, pressurising the opponents to the utmost.
The match opening goal was attempted in the fourth minute by Orissa’s striker, Roselin Dungdung that was a treat for the team. Within the next eight minutes, the same striker potted another goal that Geeta, the Delhi goal-keeper tried hard to defend but
missed and Orissa’s lead went to 2-0.
Delhi strikers were found trying hard to get the ball in their hands but there were many misses. Later, another striker named Anupa Barla from Orissa slotted a goal in the 16th minute of the match, escalating the lead to 3-0. The aggressively
played game by Orissa allowed the next goal to be successively shot in the 23rd minute of the match that was played by Deep Grace Ekka.
Three minutes later the last goal of the first half was in result of a penalty corner in favour of Orissa that was well-attempted by the team captain, Reena Kanti Ekka closing the half with 5-0 on the scoreboard.
Delhi proved very defensive in the second half of the match yet got beaten badly in the penalty corners by Orissa. It could be clearly seen that Delhi was weak at handling penalty corners and required a stronger defence for the match. Another four goals
were slotted by the Orissa Women during the second half.
In the 40th minute of the match, Orissa availed a penalty corner that was struck by Sarita Hanuman putting the 6th goal on the scoreboard. Later, Anupa Barla came back to attack her second goal of the day in the 53rd minute
of the match which was followed by a penalty corner after 3 minutes delay. The penalty corner was scored by Sunita Lakra leading Orissa to 8-0 score.
The concluding minute of the match showed how exhausted and disheartened the Delhi team was when Orissa concluded a gigantic win by potting another goal in the 69th minute, delivered by Lilima Minz.
This was the second win of Orissa in the National Games 2011 with a 2-0 victory record until now.