
35 1/2 weeks w/twins & really bad thoughts?

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I have been so upset the past week! I want my pregnancy to be over! I'm huge and uncomfortable in everything I do! I haven't had s*x in about 5 months and i haven't worked in 2 months. I'm so bored and unhappy. I just keep telling myself that it will be worth it when Ava Madison and Joshua Maddox are here but I am so sad being pregnant. I feel so big and unattractive, and I have started to be really mean to everyone. Is there something I can do to be happier or calm down a little? I'm like freaking out here :-(

- Abbi




  1. Ask your significant other to rub your feet... and paint your toenails.

    Then watch a funny movie together.

    If that doesn't work, tell him you are depressed and require jewelry :o)

    After your babies are born, you will be able to gradually lose the weight. It just takes patience and determination.  Don't be too hard on yourself.  

  2. Oh, Abbi, you're almost there, girl! Turn off the dooldrums and turn on the optimism! God has blessed you with twins! I know you're over it, but the next phase of holding you're beautiful babies will soon come....and the lack of sleep, feedings, no showering, etc! In other words, every phase will come with goodies and yuckies; you have the power to choose how you will perceive your situation! You're not big and unattractive, you're pregnant with twins! Beautiful choice of names, by the way. Make a list of things you'd like to do daily to pass the time away, nothing major, you can drop those babies any moment! But small prepare frozen meals (i.e. meatloaf), have laundry done, pack hospital bag (if you haven't already!), things you know won't be an option once those babies get here.

    I wish you the very best towards the end of this blessed journey!

  3. Why don't you go and get a massage.  I know you are tired of it all and what the kids here, but enjoy this time.  This is the last time you will be alone without your kids for a while.  After they are born you will get little sleep, which will make you cranky anyways.  Yes children are blessings, but even more so when they sleep through the night.

    An I love the names you picked out!

    God Bless!

  4. I think a lot of pregnant women feel that way towards the end.  I'll be 34 weeks on Friday and I feel like that.  Only I haven't worked since June (was cleaning houses and got too big to lean over tubs and vacuum stairs anymore) and haven't had s*x since I was 8 weeks pregnant (lost my s*x drive, poor hubby!)  You're not alone and just know that it WILL be worth it when your little precious angels are here!

  5. That happens the closer you get to your due date.  Find something that can take your mind off of it.  Read, get boardgames, deck of cards, ANYTHING will help.  Sorry I know it's hard but you'll get through it.  

  6. Hang in there are in the home stretch.  Keep focusing on the bigger picture, two healthy babies growing in your tummy.  A lot of us felt the way you do, big and tired of being pregnant.

    Yoga helped me all through my pregnancy....and so did chocolate.

  7. It is normal to feel this way in the last weeks of pregnancy.

    It will be over before you know it. Hang in there for just a little longer.

    BTW...I love the names you have for the babies.

  8. I know exactly how you feel. I'm 18 weeks pregnant and I was on bed rest for the first 3 months. I was bored to tears and miserable and unable to have s*x. I know you are further along and way more uncomfortable with twins and all, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. it's funny how I can't tell myself that but it's easy to tell someone else. I kept a journal which preventing me from being mean to anyone. I just let all my frustrations out in that book. Find something to do like starting a scrap book of keepsakes and pictures. It's therapeutic. Make it into a real project. I absolutely adore your baby names and cheer up. Once those babies get here, there wont be anytime to be sad, so you might as well stop now.

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