
35 YR OLD with pink eye I THINK. HELP?

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so, my 35 yr. old uncle, who is a habitual LIAR, says that he went to the dr. yesterday and has pink eye, and was given a shot of antibiotics for it. Is this true? I though there were only eye drops to treat it? It look like a sty to me.




  1. It is very common for adults to get pink eye.  Rubbing your nose and then your eye can spread it if you have a cold.  Your uncle may have been given a shot of antibiotics for an infection he has.  That's what the drops are they use for pink eye, antibiotics.  He may just have been treated differently.  An injection works faster than pills or drops...

  2. ya i think hes lying when u have pink eye u are given a choice of ointment for the eye or eyedrops but then again im 13 and idk aboout wht they use fr adults, but  u should look into it it does sounds sketchy to me

  3. I think it possibly could be true, since you need antibiotics for bacterial pink eye, but is is usually drops.

    Pink eye, also called conjunctivitis, can show up when you least expect it, and it is very contagious. There is more than one type of pink eye, and how you treat it depends on the type. If it is bacterial you need antibiotic ointment or drops. There is no particular treatment for viral pink eye. If it is an allergy that is causing your difficulty you may need anti-inflammatory medication or antihistamines. Frequent hand washing is crucial to prevent spreading the virus or bacteria, depending on which type you have.   There is also something called CLARE, or contact lens induced acute red eye. Sleeping in contacts makes the eye more susceptible to inflammation/infection.

    These links give basic information about pink eye.

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